Title : Ashira of Neptune ~ Project Nova Earth ~ Linda Dillon.
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Ashira of Neptune ~ Project Nova Earth ~ Linda Dillon.
Ashira of Neptune.
Via Linda Dillon.
Project Nova Earth, Heavenly Blessings,
April 5, 2018

Thanks again to Ellen for this transcript.
Ashira of Neptune ~ Project Nova Earth
“Your frequency increases, our frequency increases, but they are compatible – and they are more compatible now than they have ever been. Now when I say that, I am talking about in the establishment, the anchoring, the building, the practicality of building Nova Earth, which starts and finishes with Nova Being – and we consider ourselves part of that community of Nova Being.”
Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love
Suzanne Maresca: Host, InLight Universal
[Meditation from 9:26 to 19:33]
Ashira: Greetings, I am Ashira.
Suzi: Welcome!
Ashira: And welcome to you, welcome to all of you, beloved friends and allies. And I come to you as friend and ally, not merely as Commander of the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies but as friend and, in many ways, as fellow journeyer.
All of you, yes, even those who, unfortunately for their sake, are not aware or conscious of their particular participation in Project Nova Earth – in this unfoldment of the rebirth of consciousness, of love, upon this planet – they are still part of it, as are we! We always have been, for thousands of years. And I do not say that in a way of martyrdom [chuckles]; I simply state it as an indicator of many of our various forces – our commitment to this process of reawakening.
As you well know, we have been penetrating you with our Porlana C. I think sometimes, with all the various attunements, that there is a human tendency – and one that we can relate to – of forgetting what exactly is coming forth. And it is not, my beloved friends, that we need a continual recognition or acknowledgement; this simply is not the case. We have done this kind of work holding Gaia, for example, in a harness, a bubble, a netting of pink for hundreds of years, and it does not mean anyone had to know.
It simply is that for your sake, during this process of very significant and rapid change, that there are times when it is helpful for you to know what exactly is shifting your fields so significantly. And of course, with the Mother’s renewed vigour – shall we call it “vigour” [chuckles] – with her Tsunami of Love, the frequencies have most certainly not only been elevated but very charged.
What you don’t always know is that when an event that you think of as this Tsunami of Love, for example, is taking place, it is not only you who is being penetrated; it is us as well, that ourfrequencies are also being elevated.
Now why do I mention this? In many of our discussions, there is often a reference on both your side and our side of our frequencies, our vibratory rates, being at a rate or a level where our two species can meet without harm or chaos to our electrical systems on one side or the other. But as these frequencies increase, not only your frequencies but our frequencies are being raised.
Yes, of course there is always the ability to go further. And what do we mean in that? That our sense of grander, greater, fuller participation in the One, in the love, in the joy, increases.
Now let us explain.
For many of you when you are feeling these frequencies, you are passing through what has so often been referred to as your ‘ascension portal’ – which most of you have been flying in and out of now for years – but you are literally walking through, progressing through that portal and you are like in the vestibule of a grand hall. And it is not that your entry into the ball, as it were, is in any way restricted; it is not.
But you know how sometimes if you go to a large gathering, you take time in the entryway or the vestibule to judge what’s going on, to discern what’s going on, to get the ‘vibe’ as you would put it – and also to be at the entryway because so many of your friends are showing up, and you have been looking for them and waiting for them, and you want to be the first to get a hug and say hello.
Well, that’s where many of you are! There is no restriction to the ball, to the gathering, however you conceive of this, and you are in that vibration but you haven’t fully entered as yet. And then as you do enter, have you ever noticed that whether it is a party or a cocktail party or a conference or a gathering, that there are always those who tend to gather towards the back of the room?
Now sometimes it is because they are shying away, sometimes it is because they don’t want to get the full blast of the energy, and sometimes they are there, again, because they want to see everything that’s going on. Well, in many ways, we are that group hanging on around the periphery observing, gauging what’s going on, what’s happening, where are the people from the vestibule, when are we getting started.
And then, of course, there are those that are fully engaged in the centre of the room who are already languishing and absorbing and already task-oriented, ready to go, in the centre of the room and at the front of the room. All are equally welcomed. Even those approaching the building – and you can feel the level of excitement – are equally welcomed. But as you physically know, the vibratory rate – the vibe – is slightly different depending on where you are situating yourself.
Now when there is such a gathering, all those positions are delightful; all those positions, might we even say, are necessary. Because what would it be like if you arrived at a gathering or a grandiose ball, particularly if it was a masquerade ball, and you arrived and there was no sign on the door, no welcome committee, no one standing in the vestibule, no one standing where you could see them at the back of the room? You would be hesitant. You would think: “I’m not sure this is the place. I’m not sure that I’m supposed to go forward,” and so there would be this feeling of “I’m not sure I’m welcomed.” And so all of these positions are necessary.
Now you remember full well how Archangel Mi-ka-el has said to you that some of you are portals and that some of you are gatekeepers, some of you are wayshowers. I’m bringing this back to your attention so that you realise again how important it is that each of you have this role to play – as do we!
As Commander of the Unified Forces, one of the roles that has been assigned to me – yes, by the Mother and with, shall I say, the stamp and seal of approval of the various forces and the Intergalactic Council – has been ambassador, welcomer, as we begin our intermingling, so that you can enter the ball and say, “Oh, it’s okay. I know Ashira, I know Galea, I know Ashtar. I am welcome here. I am comfortable here. I think I’ll go in.” And as you are going in, perhaps you are bringing millions of people with you. I hope you are. I invite you to!
Your vibratory rate to fully engage in the activity, in the ball, in the gathering, in all the tasks, the delights, the journeys, has need to be high. So it is not as our frequency increases, yours remains the same. Your frequency increases, our frequency increases, but they are compatible – and they are more compatible now than they have ever been.
Now when I say that, I am talking about in the establishment, the anchoring, the building, the practicality of building Nova Earth, which starts and finishes with Nova Being – and we consider ourselves part of that community of Nova Being.
As we have said prior, we have many, many, many, many of our forces on the ground. And in previous months, we have shared with you how, for many of our beloveds who have volunteered – eagerly volunteered, by the way; it is not a military force in your sense where there is no mutuality or decision-making capacity – our volunteers, our ‘boots on the ground’ were having to return home to ship frequently, and were utilizing very frequently the healing chambers because the vibration, the frequency on-planet – particularly as a result of the chaos and, shall we call it, the recalcitrants, but even the disinterested ones – was very difficult to attune to. It took a toll literally on our being.
Now when I say “our being” note that we don’t make – and you soon will not make – a differentiation between your physicality and your being. So while the distress might exhibit in feelings of exhaustion or lethargy or slight depression in our boots on the ground, there is not a differentiation in terms of what is causing that in terms of the various fields. So we don’t operate in a way where we wait until someone is on the ground sick – in your terminology sick or ill or distressed or diseased. We address this much sooner when that feeling of malaise or exhaustion is felt.
Now the reason I am talking about this, and I know it is an aside, is that you will adopt this greater clarity with regards to your body and fields – and in fact many of you already are. But I have digressed.
What I am saying is that just mere months ago, what we were finding is that many of our volunteers had to return for reignition or rewiring or healing very frequently. That is not the case at this moment. The endurance factor, not in terms of fortitude, gritting your teeth and bearing the difficulty, but the ability to truly be in harmony both with Gaia and with the human collective of the Gaians, various cultures, has significantly increased.
And to us – and this is why I share it with you this day – that it is very encouraging. And sweet angels of light, you can use all the encouraging news you can garner!
What it means in terms of quotients is that the quotient of recalcitrance, and even the quotient of dismissiveness, disengagement, separation upon the planet has diminished significantly – that in the airwaves, if you think of it that way… the soundwaves, the lightwaves… there is a much higher percentage of what we would call “harmony” – and you can infuse into harmony whatever you like: joy, gratitude, love.
Our vibrations are becoming more harmonious with you. The issue has never been the harmony amongst ourselves. But attuning to the vibratory rate of Gaia, and the vibratory rate not of the planet – she is beautiful – but of the collective, has been a challenge and it has massively improved.
So that is the good news that I wanted to begin with this day! Now, dearest Suzi, where do you wish to begin?
Suzi: Oh, that’s a lovely update and I’m glad to hear that. So what I’m wondering is, will embracing full entry into the… well, whatever the event is, our building, say we’re going to the ballet, opera or whatever… would embracing full entry into that mean leaving life behind, this life?
Ashira: No! If I understand your question correctly, what it means… Say you come to me and you say, “Ashira, I am so excited to see this ballet, I can’t hang around in the back of the room. I’m going to try to get a seat right up front,” and off you go. What it means is that you are fully engaged in what we would call – the Mother terms “new beginnings”, we call “new reality” – higher vibratory rates.
It does not mean that you are abandoning the planet. It means that you are changing your life, that you are reaching that point of transition, of thinking about what you’re going to do or planning what you’re going to do, to simply enjoying and participating. This is participatory theater, so you are going to participate in the ballet.
So it is not about leaving it behind. It is about living your dream!
Suzi: Right. And so, I mean we’ve discussed it before, maybe with Galea, about not wanting to limit creations to what I know is possible?
Ashira: Correct.
Suzi: Yeah, okay, so I started this question: “What will life be like once we…” and then I’m thinking like, “well, once we… what?” What exactly will it be? I mean, it’s been a subtle, gradual shift the whole time, and what I’m personally feeling and looking for is a concentrated and unmistakable flood of even greater light. So I’m just wondering what happens after that? How quickly can we… I don’t want to think in 3D terms or wonder about the how’s. I just want it to go fast. [Chuckles]
Ashira: Do you not think we want it to go fast?
Suzi: I do know you do, of course!
Ashira: But we are also patient. But if your practical question is: “How fast can it happen?” – with an enormous build-up, it can happen in the blink of an eye!
Think of it in this way. There are many terms and all of them are welcomed by the Mother, by us, that are describing this shift – yes, ascension – and as we say, you are already in that process. You are not in the waiting phase. You are not in the ‘will call’ line hoping that you can get a ticket! [Chuckles] You are already underway.
What you are letting go of, both individually and collectively, is this sense… and it has been like a cement wall. If you think the Great Wall of China is significant, the cement wall of lack and limitation that humans have put themselves in… it’s not even that the paradigm has been cement; it is as if many humans made up the wall.
When that is released – and there is that expression you have ‘that the realisation that you are limitless because you are divine, and that you can create and co-create’ – when you remember and learn at the same time, then all of a sudden you realise that you are a prima ballerina and you have been for eons, that you know the entire ballet movements, including the pas de deux, and that you are dancing across this stage called Gaia. And sometimes you are leaping and twirling, and sometimes you are catching your breath in the wings, but it is full participation.
One of the stumbling blocks for humans has been that participation – and I speak from experience – participation has often been interpreted or translated as work, work being arduous, responsibility, etc., when in fact participation… even when you are sitting still doing nothing, you are participating. You cannot exempt yourself from participating, in or out of form. You are participating because you are part of the divine orchestration of this multiverse.
So when that realisation truly hits, then you are there!
Suzi: So is that enough of the collective, kind of thing?
Ashira: Yes. When you say that, I am assuming what you mean is that when you decide that you are fully engaged in whatever your expression of your choices, free-will choices and divinity, are and is in any given moment, that if affects the ripple effect into the collective… is phenomenal!
Suzi: All right. I’m just going to speak this potentially selfish thing… So we’ve done all this work, and when they’re in this wonderful space and we’re in the position of waiting for other people to catch up, I’m just wondering how long that has to happen? How long do we have to wait? It’s horribly selfish, that’s how I feel [laughing] but it’s also a question I know listeners are going to have as well, “Hey, I’ve done my work and I really just want to get on with it.”
Ashira: But there is nothing stopping you from getting on with it and taking full advantage of every step of the way.
When first Mi-ka-el [Archangel] addressed you about Ascension and the various steps of Ascension – because that is really what you are asking about – there were many, many who said, “I do not want to ascend if it means leaving behind my husband, my children, my family. I cannot do that because I love them,” that expression of deep, heartfelt love and commitment did not detract from your forward thrust.
And I speak to you as intergalactic who has family that I cherish and would no more leave behind… well, it is inconceivable. So that opinion, that commitment of: “I will not ascend if I must leave my family behind,” that declaration of love contributed to the collective ascension – and it was a plus, not a minus. So think of that.
Now what you are saying – and we understand your impatience; we [laughing] are enormously patient and impatient. But think of it in this way. Now you are saying, “How long must we wait?” and you are saying, “Well, dearest Ashira, I am good to go, I am ready to go.” But there are many who for their various reasons are perhaps not as far along as you.
And one of the things that has been, shall we say ‘interesting’, is the observation that we have made about how many – yes, even in the lightworker community – have regressed, have turned back and said, “Well, if I have to wait another minute, forget it, I’m not going, I’m not doing it.” Now that is not of love and that is not of honouring one’s divinity.
So there has been a mixed stop and start factor. But what I say to you is that the forward thrust as you would think of it in terms of “how long do I have to wait?” – what we are saying to you is: “Please, please, please don’t wait!” Because if you are a wayshower – and you are; and I speak to many of you in this regard – as you say, “Well, I’m not waiting. I’m not abandoning you, but I’m not waiting. Let me show you my potential to create, my potential to shift this recalcitrance factor.”
So you are leading – and yes, you are leading in a ballet that they may not even be familiar with – but you are showing them what is possible and that it is done through your being, through your field, through your actions, through your behaviours.
So what I say to you, dearest Suzanne and all of you, is: “Please, don’t wait!”
Suzi: Okay, I hear you, and something else that’s occurring to me to say is that, not about the waiting thing, but if my life is experiencing challenges at this time, am I doing something wrong? Should I be getting these things that you’re talking about and being able to step into it? Am I doing it wrong? And this is a collective thing; I know that I’m not alone in this.
Ashira: Yes, it is. It is a personal and a collective question, and you are going to hate the answer! Now note what I am saying: hate-love, right-wrong, shall we simply eject these positions of duality into deep space? Because it is not a matter of right or wrong, love or hate. But understand the framework; think back to what you are really saying: “Am I doing something wrong? Am I acting in a way of limitation?”
Suzi: “Am I not doing enough?”
Ashira: “Am I not enough?!” That is really the heart of your question. And what I would say to you is: your field is beautiful, it is glorious. What else – and I do not mean simply in the esoteric realm – what else can you do? What else do you want to do? There is always something new every day, every moment. There is always a new adventure to be had.
So your real question is: “Am I a little stuck?” And if there is a question of “Am I a little stuck?” then, sweet angel, of course you are! But in the very question, what you are saying… think of yourself as if you are standing up and you are shrugging off the ‘stuckness’ and saying, “Okay, what else can I do?”
Well, you can come and visit us every single day! And you can extend yourself and say, “This is the perfect landing spot, so come. Even if I don’t see you first and foremost, I will see you, the same way I see the birds and the fairies. So use my property as a landing spot!”
Suzi: Alright, I want a landing spot!
Ashira: Start dreaming big!
Suzi: Oh, I’ve been dreaming big for a long time, believe me! Okay, so if I might ask a question about this. My daughter had an intense dream last night where she looked out the back of our house and in the sky was a cluster of five or seven moons. Each moon was a city with buildings as tall as the ones in Manhattan. She woke up excited from it and it all seemed very real. Could you say anything about that? Is it individual creation, help premonition, or is it all of the above?
Ashira: It is all of the above, but mostly what she was envisioning was the various Cities of Light. Of course, she is also having some past life memories of various planetary situations where there are certainly more than one moon. So yes, it was a future vision, a present vision and a past vision, and it was as real as the skin on her face.
Suzi: Wow, cool! All right, so if you have anything else to add to the conversation, I would certainly welcome that at this time. We probably have a little more time.
Ashira: I wanted to say how we are in sacred partnership, not merely sacred union. Yes, we understand and we know that there are various forms of sacred partnership, and that the intimacy factor varies according to the nature of that sacred partnership. We take sacred partnership very seriously, as in reverence and honouring and respect and love and support and mutuality; I could keep going… cooperation, collegiality, understanding, mutuality.
We are in sacred partnership for this co-creation of beautiful Nova Earth. In some ways, beloved ones, we are the man stuck in the middle, we are the woman stuck in the middle. There is the energy of above, the divine realm, and there is the energy of Gaians below, and we are the intermediaries. We are the monkey in the middle! [Laughter]
But we want you to know: this is our joint venture, and it is a venture that we have been committed to, fully and completely, for a very, very, very long time and there is nothing that we won’t do. So if you arrive at the ballet and you say, “I’m not sure which ballet is being danced, I’m not sure of the music, who indeed is the composer?” – ask us for help!
We are waiting. We are not going to leave you. Yes, we are sending you our Porlana C, but that is with divine permission – and your permission, by the way. And it is being integrated and it is harmonizing our various fields, and it is working actually very well. That is why our boots on the ground are not back and forth, back and forth, all the time.
We are in this partnership heart, soul, body, together. We want you to know that. We are not hanging back waiting for some president or prime minister or dictator to announce our presence. You know of our presence, we most certainly know of your presence, and that is all that is necessary.
So let us dance and gather and play and create together. Do not hesitate to ask us for help. We are here.
Suzi: Okay! Thank you very much for everything that you do for us and what you offer to us. I know you do us well, but we all really very much look forward to our more tangible cooperation and partnership
Ashira: It is a gathering that we are eagerly awaiting, and we will gather together again as we have so long ago. Go with my love.
Suzi: A party on the Neptune?
Ashira: A party on Planet Earth! That will be the grandest party of all!
Suzi: Yes, yes!
Ashira: Go with our love.
Suzi: Thank you so much.
Ashira/Suzi: Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
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