Title : Hep C Review: 2019 Newsletters & Updates
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Hep C Review: 2019 Newsletters & Updates
Hep C Review: 2019 January Newsletters
Happy New Year! Check out the best of the best viral hepatitis publications, news and research articles of 2018.
Across The Globe
As always, brought to you by a handful of devoted people across the globe who continue to share information about viral hepatitis, its cure, and in many cases individual support. An online support community can have a profound effect on curing the whole person, not only their illness.
Thank You
Thank you to every website, publication, monthly newsletter, blogger, patient blogger, and hepatitis advocate who worked so hard in 2018 to promote access to safe, effective and affordable treatment.
Happy New Year! Check out the best of the best viral hepatitis publications, news and research articles of 2018.
Across The Globe
As always, brought to you by a handful of devoted people across the globe who continue to share information about viral hepatitis, its cure, and in many cases individual support. An online support community can have a profound effect on curing the whole person, not only their illness.
Thank You
Thank you to every website, publication, monthly newsletter, blogger, patient blogger, and hepatitis advocate who worked so hard in 2018 to promote access to safe, effective and affordable treatment.
A special thank you to Don Crocock for caring so much, for so long, about the HCV community. Don is a sassy, kind, and determined retired addiction/EAP counsellor who tweets about HCV in Canada.
Follow Don on twitter: @dcrocock or find him on Facebook: HCV Dragon Slayer.
On Twitter: Top Hepatitis Articles Of 2018
Henry E. Chang is counting down his top 10 most engaging viral hepatitis tweets of 2018.
Follow Don on twitter: @dcrocock or find him on Facebook: HCV Dragon Slayer.
On Twitter: Top Hepatitis Articles Of 2018
Henry E. Chang is counting down his top 10 most engaging viral hepatitis tweets of 2018.
1 - Chronic hepatitis B virus infection
Seminar — a clinically-focused cutting-edge review of chronic hepatitis B virus infection
2 - Marked reduction in prevalence of hepatitis C viremia among people who inject drugs(PWID)during 2nd year of the Treatment as Prevention(TraPHepC) program in Iceland
Treatment: for who–when–where-which ?
3 - Hepatitis C management simplification from test to cure: a framework for primary care physicians
This article proposes a strategy for primary care providers to begin treating patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV).
4 -Is there sufficient evidence to repeal three decades of clinical research on chronic hepatitis C?
Another brilliant rebuttal to the flawed & misleading Cochrane review on DAAs for HCV
5 - Hepatocellular Carcinoma
6 - Protocol for surveillance of the fraction of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma attributable to viral hepatitis in clinical centres of excellence
WHO launches new surveillance protocol & calls for better monitoring of viral hepatitis & liver cancer by documenting mortality causes more accurately on scope of problem at regional & global levels.
Authors of Cochrane HCV DAA review respond to AmJGastro Red Section commentary with their uncompromising worship for "well-designed & executed RCTs to assess the utility of DAA treatment"
Study suggests that these patients should be identified and receive a triple DAA combination regimen as first-line treatment.
Absolute denials of DAA regimens by insurers in the have remained high & increased over time, regardless of type of insurance.
Follow Henry E. Chang on twitter:
Henry Chang is Twitter Ambassador for @EASLNews, The European Association for the Study of the Liver, Board Member @HepFreeNYC, The New York City Hepatitis C Task Force, @WIHA_NG @sylifuganda, was involved with @_MdMUSA, Doctors Of The World, @GBCHealth and @AIDSHealthcare. In 2018 his twitter feed was a must follow for patients interested in reading articles about the treatment and management of hepatitis C.
Follow Henry E. Chang on twitter:
Henry Chang is Twitter Ambassador for @EASLNews, The European Association for the Study of the Liver, Board Member @HepFreeNYC, The New York City Hepatitis C Task Force, @WIHA_NG @sylifuganda, was involved with @_MdMUSA, Doctors Of The World, @GBCHealth and @AIDSHealthcare. In 2018 his twitter feed was a must follow for patients interested in reading articles about the treatment and management of hepatitis C.
National Viral Hepatitis Action Plan 2017-2020
Simply stated:
With more than 4 million Americans from every state and all walks of life infected with hepatitis B (HBV) or hepatitis C (HCV), and the number of new infections growing, we are losing ground in the battle against viral hepatitis. The National Viral Hepatitis Action Plan 2017-2020 (Action Plan), is a new phase in the fight against viral hepatitis in the United States. The updated plan outlines four major goals, strategies to achieve those goals, and indicators to help track progress between now and 2020. The plan was developed collaboratively by more than 20 federal partners from the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Justice, and Veterans Affairs with input from nonfederal stakeholders. Also read; Viral Hepatitis in the U.S.: What Is the Problem and Why are We Losing Ground?
On This Blog - Quick Links
Collection of 2018 articles;
Liver Cancer After Treatment For Hepatitis C
Controversy over Cochrane Review on HCV Direct-acting antivirals
HCV Genotypes/Treatment
Research ArticlesControversy over Cochrane Review on HCV Direct-acting antivirals
HCV Genotypes/Treatment
Liver Cancer
Liver Transplants
Fatty Liver Disease
Possible Side Effects Of HCV Therapy
November 24, 2018
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - In about half of patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, response-guided therapy with oral direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) can be reduced from the standard 12 weeks to as little as six weeks and still be effective, according to a new pilot study.
News & Review
Check out a collection of noteworthy hepatitis C news articles in the latest issue of the Weekly Bull, published by the Canadian non-profit organization HepCBC.January Newsletters
The HCV Advocate newsletter is a valuable resource designed to provide the hepatitis C community with monthly updates on events, clinical research, and education.
The HCV Advocate newsletter is a valuable resource designed to provide the hepatitis C community with monthly updates on events, clinical research, and education.
Top News Stories of 2018, by Alan Franciscus. It was an interesting year in HCV that was full of ups and downs but progress is being made in the fight against HCV.
Everyone Needs to Know About Liver Cancer by Lucinda Porter, RN writes about the causes, prevention, screening, treatment and cure of this life-threatening disease.
Hepatitis Headlines provides snapshots of trending news about hepatitis.
What’s Up! Features an updated Guide and four of our updated fact sheets as well as our Patient Video and Resource for patients:
HCV: A Guide to Healthy Living with HCV
One of the best strategies to prevent illness is Hand Washing: A Primer
Learn about the many different types of and benefits of Meditation
The new year is time to start eating thinking about Nutrition and HCV
One of the most important components of health is Sleep
Watch our patient video about treating and curing HCV.
Do you have hepatitis C? Get support. Get answers. A free program for patients – PackHealth.
Begin here...….
CATIE strengthens Canada’s response to HIV and hepatitis C by bridging research and practice. We connect healthcare and community-based service providers with the latest science, and promote good practices for prevention and treatment programs. As Canada’s official knowledge broker for HIV and hepatitis C, you can count on us for up-to-date, accurate and unbiased information.
Top News Stories of 2018, by Alan Franciscus. It was an interesting year in HCV that was full of ups and downs but progress is being made in the fight against HCV.
Everyone Needs to Know About Liver Cancer by Lucinda Porter, RN writes about the causes, prevention, screening, treatment and cure of this life-threatening disease.
Hepatitis Headlines provides snapshots of trending news about hepatitis.
What’s Up! Features an updated Guide and four of our updated fact sheets as well as our Patient Video and Resource for patients:
HCV: A Guide to Healthy Living with HCV
One of the best strategies to prevent illness is Hand Washing: A Primer
Learn about the many different types of and benefits of Meditation
The new year is time to start eating thinking about Nutrition and HCV
One of the most important components of health is Sleep
Watch our patient video about treating and curing HCV.
Do you have hepatitis C? Get support. Get answers. A free program for patients – PackHealth.
Begin here...….
CATIE strengthens Canada’s response to HIV and hepatitis C by bridging research and practice. We connect healthcare and community-based service providers with the latest science, and promote good practices for prevention and treatment programs. As Canada’s official knowledge broker for HIV and hepatitis C, you can count on us for up-to-date, accurate and unbiased information.
2018 has been a pivotal year for HIV and hepatitis C prevention, testing and treatment. Researchers and clinicians have pioneered game-changing HIV treatment regimens, Canadian liver experts have expanded recommendations for hepatitis C testing, and the overdose crisis has triggered an unprecedented response from harm reduction workers, coast to coast. From the good news to the bad, below are the top 10 stories that made headlines in 2018, as determined by our readers.
Hep is an award-winning print and online brand for people living with and affected by viral hepatitis. Offering unparalleled editorial excellence since 2010, Hep and HepMag.com are the go-to source for educational and social support for people living with hepatitis.
High-Fat, High-Cholesterol Diet Can Lead to NASHNon-alcoholic steatohepatitis, or NASH, is a form of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
2018 Top Hep Treatment StoriesMost read treatment stories on Hep this year.
Read more here...……
HCV Action brings together hepatitis C health professionals from across the patient pathway with the pharmaceutical industry and patient representatives to share expertise and good practice.
Read the latest: HCV Action e-update
In early December The London Joint Working Group on Substance Use and Hepatitis C held its annual conference, focusing on the prospect of achieving hepatitis C elimination in London by 2025.
Review the highlights:
A news story providing a round-up of the event can be accessed here. All of the presentation and workshop slides from the event, along with a summary report, featuring key themes of the conference and main points from the workshop, are available on the London Joint Working Group website here. Videos of the presentations and three short awareness films about the impact of hepatitis C can also be viewed here.
In early December The London Joint Working Group on Substance Use and Hepatitis C held its annual conference, focusing on the prospect of achieving hepatitis C elimination in London by 2025.
Review the highlights:
A news story providing a round-up of the event can be accessed here. All of the presentation and workshop slides from the event, along with a summary report, featuring key themes of the conference and main points from the workshop, are available on the London Joint Working Group website here. Videos of the presentations and three short awareness films about the impact of hepatitis C can also be viewed here.
The World Hepatitis Alliance goal is to achieve a world free from viral hepatitis, World Hepatitis Alliance provides global leadership in awareness-raising, advocacy and in efforts to find the missing millions.
News & Headlines
The latest issue of hepVoice:
Making the Financial Case for Hepatitis C Elimination in Nigeria
WHA Board Elections
Find The Missing Millions in India
Highlights from AASLD and WISH
and much more. Download a pdf of this edition here.
News & Headlines
The latest issue of hepVoice:
Making the Financial Case for Hepatitis C Elimination in Nigeria
WHA Board Elections
Find The Missing Millions in India
Highlights from AASLD and WISH
and much more. Download a pdf of this edition here.
The New York City Hepatitis C Task Force is a city-wide network of service providers and advocates concerned with hepatitis C and related issues. The groups come together to learn, share information and resources, network, and identify hepatitis C related needs in the community. Committees form to
work on projects in order to meet needs identified by the community.NYC Hep C Task Force
All - Hep Free NYC Newsletters
Hepatitis NSW provides information, support, referral and advocacy for people affected by viral hepatitis in NSW. We also provide workforce development and education services both to prevent the transmission of viral hepatitis and to improve services for those affected by it.
My Health Record: Information about your options
All News - Updates
GI & Hepatology News covers the world of liver disease with breaking news, on-site medical meeting coverage, and expert perspectives both in print and online.
Biomarker algorithm may offer noninvasive look at liver fibrosis
HCC screening linked with improved tumor detection
View all updates here....
Hepatitis Victoria is the peak not-for-profit community organisation working across the state for people affected by or at risk of viral hepatitis.
View the Latest Newsletter, or relax and listen to a short podcast interviewing health experts and practioners on topics related to viral hepatitis.
Latest Podcast - View all, here.....
The British Liver Trust is the leading UK liver disease charity for adults – we provide information and support; increase awareness of how liver disease can be prevented and promote early diagnosis; fund and champion research and campaign for better services.
Posted on 11th December 2018
In November, as part of our Love Your Liver roadshow in Wales, our mobile unit stopped in Cardiff town centre. Here, we screened hundreds of attendees and caught the attention of ITV Wales. ITV Wales reporter Richard Morgan not only visited the unit to find out more about the campaign but also undertook a liver scan to check his liver health.
View Recent Newsletters, here.
Love Your Liver
The Hepatitis C Trust is run by patients with the goal of eliminating HCV in the United Kingdom. The Trust’s mission is to reverse the rapidly increasing death toll caused by hepatitis C in the UK until no-one dies from this preventable and treatable disease and, ultimately, it is all but eradicated in this country.View Recent Newsletters, here.
Love Your Liver
The National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable (NVHR) is national coalition working together to eliminate hepatitis B and C in the United States.
NVHR 2018 Year in ReviewView all NVHR newsletters
Check out the latest National Institutes of Health Newsletter.
December Newsletter
Blog Updates
Karen Hoyt is devoted to offering support and accurate information to people coping with the effects of hepatitis C.
Latest blog entry: Heal Your Liver with Bone Broth
Find Karen on Facebook
YouTube Page
Lucinda K. Porter
Lucinda Porter is a nurse, speaker, advocate and patient devoted to increasing awareness about hepatitis C.
Latest blog entry: Wishing All a Wabi-sabi New Year
View all new blog updates, here....
Hep is an award-winning print and online brand for people living with and affected by viral hepatitis.
Latest blog updates:
The Best Hepatitis C Treatment
By Greg Jefferys
A Hepatitis Story
By Lucinda K. Porter, RN
By Connie M. Welch
View all blog updates, here...AGA Blog
Gastroenterology and Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Latest blog entry by Dr. Kristine Novak: What Are the Effects of Virologic Response to Treatment on Outcomes of Patients With Chronic HBV Infection and Decompensated Cirrhosis?
View all blog updates, here...
Tests for Hepatitis C
View all updates, here...
Canadian Liver Foundation
We strive to improve prevention and the quality of life of those living with liver disease by advocating for better screening, access to treatment, and patient care.
View all blog updates, here...
Latest blog entry: New Year’s Resolutions: Taking Control of Your Hepatitis B Infection
View all updates, here....
ADRLF (Al D. Rodriguez Liver Foundation)
Al D. Rodriguez Liver Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides resources, education and information related to screening, the prevention of and treatment for the Hepatitis Virus and Liver Cancer.
Energizing Ayurvedic Cleanse Tips This Winter Season
View all updates, here....
At HepatitisC.net we empower patients and caregivers to take control of Hepatitis C by providing a platform to learn, educate, and connect with peers and healthcare professionals.
Holiday Happiness with Hepatitis C By Karen Hoyt
View all updates, here....
Seasoned medical professionals prescribe new medicines sparingly
View latest blog entry, here...
Harvard Health Blog
The goal of our publications is to bring people around the world the most current health information that is authoritative, trustworthy, and accessible, drawing on the expertise of the 10,000+ faculty physicians at Harvard Medical School.
Latest blog entry: 6 steps toward a successful exercise resolution
All articles, here....
A look back on the year’s most popular Michigan Medicine stories and the groundbreaking studies that made global headlines.
Wishing you all a healthy year ahead, stay informed.
TinaCheck back for updates...
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