Title : Ask The Masters, 2018/05/15 ~ Toni and Peter.
link : Ask The Masters, 2018/05/15 ~ Toni and Peter.
Ask The Masters, 2018/05/15 ~ Toni and Peter.
Ask The Masters.
By The Celestial Voices.
Through Toni and Peter.
15th of May, 2018.
A preview of the Masters' for this Tuesday Teachings.
Certain teachings have left a Brazilian man confused about gender, duality, and interplanetary relations. The Masters' explanation should help.
Motifs in her artistic expression cause a Canadian woman to wonder about the source of her creations. She is bound to be pleased and resonate with the Masters' answer.
Is enlightenment personal, or a goal for the whole world? A woman from the USA is uncertain about her role or responsibility, and the Masters clarify things for her.
Motifs in her artistic expression cause a Canadian woman to wonder about the source of her creations. She is bound to be pleased and resonate with the Masters' answer.
Is enlightenment personal, or a goal for the whole world? A woman from the USA is uncertain about her role or responsibility, and the Masters clarify things for her.
You may read these questions and answers on the Messages page of the Masters' website: http://www.mastersofthespiritworld.com/.
For translations of The Masters' Reincarnation Handbook, click on this link: http://celestialvoicesinc.com/?page_id=24 - or the Bookstore tab on the Masters' website.
Download your free handbook from the Masters in the new French translation or any of the other ELEVEN (so far) languages listed.
Love, Light and Laughter,
Toni and Peter.
Celestial Voices, Inc
The Questions:
What about the negativity in my illusion?
QUESTION: Masters why does duality only exist on Earth, since the Source was divided into two energies (masculine and feminine) in the creation of the souls of the whole universe? Why does negativity exist only on Earth, since there have been galactic wars to control planets? Why do you say that there are no negative beings – in the physical and the astral – wanting to control the Earth, since there are many positive beings – in the physical and the astral – helping in the planetary release of these controllers? ~Daniel, Brazil.
ANSWER: Source is an amorphous (without form) expanse of energy. Source is just that – the source of everything. It was never divided into two sexes, or two or more races, or two states such as physical and nonphysical; it remains formless energy. It broke pieces of itself off so that those pieces might investigate the opposite of its perfection by entering into the Earth plane, which was created as a duality to allow for the opposite of every type of person, action, emotion, and characteristic to be present and experienced.
These pieces, which we call souls, are non-sexual, being neither male nor female, nor physical while at Home. To display masculine or feminine bodies, or traits, souls must make the decision to become physical and adopt a body for a particular lifetime. They experience both sexes during various lifetimes so that they may have varying ways to understand the difficulties encountered by each sex.
Since energy has no form, souls use their intention to provide an illusory reality that they perceive as physically solid truth while having a human experience. The perception is somewhat regulated by the belief systems they are using to control their existence. Do they believe they are alone? Do they suppose that there are other planets, races, and conflicts existing in places they have neither seen nor visited, but have merely accepted as a part of their reality?
The creation of one’s reality mirrors the physical life being lived. Is it mostly a positive, loving experience, or is it fraught with negativity, fighting, control dramas, and a “dog-eat-dog” mentality? Negativity is the default setting for humans. After all, they come to Earth, the only place it exists, to experience it! Great force is exerted by the societal judgmental ego to accept as much negativity – in the form of anger, conflict, control, and repression – as possible.
How do you wish to shape your reality? Remember, this life is a journey of your soul. It is not dependent upon any other’s existence for you to learn what you came here for. Don’t let the theories, fears, and anxieties of anyone else influence your life. Create your own illusion, containing only what you need to fulfill your desires.
Message and inspiration from above
QUESTION: Masters I am an artist and I love the feeling that wells up from within when I’m drawing or painting something. The most interesting and unusual images emerge when I draw with nothing in mind. It’s as if the drawing is creating itself. There are a lot of eyes and spirals in my work. Where does this come from? Is part of my life’s purpose to develop my artistic side, or am I like a channel for creativity…from where? God? Spirits? ~Kathleen, Canada.
ANSWER: The part of your soul that is your physical appearance here in this lifetime is but a grain of sand expressing your existence as a soul. You have lived many lifetimes, had many experiences, gained a magnitude of wisdom, and cataloged all of it in your Akashic records. Your unconscious has access to all that knowledge.
Whenever you engage in anything that expresses who you are, without a definite directive plan in mind, your unconscious starts to respond to the situation. You are connecting to past experiences and friendships that meant a lot to the learning practices in which you interacted.
Your work is being created as a collaboration of your remembrances and the energy of soul mates and friends who want to show support. The eyes are the physical expression of the souls’ human lives, and the spirals the trail of the nonphysical energies.
Your intention, whether conscious or unconscious, chooses the participants in each work. The results are a combination of channeling, cooperation, and interpretation of you and those on the Other Side.
You have always used non-verbal communication to deliver messages when in a physical state, mostly through various forms of art. It is one way in which you have defined human existence and its corollary spiritual phase. No matter how your life begins, you always find yourself right back to bringing messages forward.
Why work so hard?
QUESTION: Masters is there any point in striving for enlightenment and ‘raising the vibration’ of the world and everyone in it? Sometimes I feel like I am seeing things from the wrong perspective. In a prior message you wrote that there will never be a golden age because that is not the point of Earth. It is 50/50 positive and negative and always will be. Does this mean just to relax, enjoy my life and stop trying to ‘perfect myself’ and somehow try to ‘save the world’ or drastically improve it? ~Sara, United States.
ANSWER: When we were asked about a “golden age for planet Earth,” we responded that it will never occur because of the perpetual balance of negative and positive energies. That does not mean that individuals may not experience their own “golden age,” because that is what becoming enlightened and aware of their true essence allows them.
Recognizing and accepting one’s own powers and abilities, which spring from the Source energy of which they are composed, places a soul in a state of unconditional love, perfection, and bliss. If you do not desire to be able to reach such a place in this lifetime, then stop your search for a connection to the vibration of unconditional love.
What is confusing your journey is the need and desire to bring others along with you – to raise the whole planet along with yourself. It is impossible to cause another to do anything they do not wish to do or to go anywhere they do not wish to go.
Each soul’s journey is a singular voyage for their own education. Society confuses things by talking about service to others or bringing the whole planet along on one’s journey of spiritual growth. You have no such obligation as it would never work anyway.
The most you can do to change other people’s direction is to give them examples of how it has worked for you and what the accomplishment feels like. This will give them a desire to attempt their own elevation, if they are so inclined.
Nothing is right or wrong in a spiritual sense. What you choose to do is completely within your freedom of choice; there are no requirements to do anything you don’t want. Live, love, work, play, or sit and watch – the future is up to you.
Reincarnation Guide
Loren from Brazil asks the Masters: Though I believe in all the wonders the world has, I'm feeling tired. I am grateful for everything else that I feel that many things in my life take time to materialize, I know that I am transposable by what I create, but what could help me at the moment? Did not I put enough energy into my test?
Answer: One of your life lessons is patience. When you are in too much of a hurry and spend all your time in anticipation, you are unaware of the little things going on around you. Sit back, be aware of all that is happening, and see if any of it would be fun to investigate. Go with the flow instead of bucking it.
Spring from Finland asks the Masters: I divorce about 5y ago. Being alone with myself has been Ok. But I would like to meet a new man. It has been difficult at my age. Will I meet a new man who would like to share life with me, respect me, and be open to spiritual things? I don’t like to be alone anymore.
Answer: There are possibilities out there, but you have to do something to bring them to you. Go to group meetings at centers, library book reviews, social gatherings at churches and halls – you won’t meet someone by staying at home.
Kelly from Brazil asks the Masters: I would like to know how I can meditate with Metatron's box? I read about this but I didn't understand how to do it. I love your messages and they really help me to be a better person and love myself.
Answer: Metatron is known as the angel of life. His cube is a combination of the sacred geometry platonic solids representing and encompassing all the patterns that make up physical matter. Use this symbol as a point of meditation. Visualize it joining with your journey, giving structure to your path and allowing expansion as you grow and understand.
Kari from the US asks the Masters: I have a connection which I believe to be my twin flame and or a direct counterpart. I am needing to know.
Answer: This person is not your twin flame but is a very close member of your soul group; that is why you sense their vibration so strongly. Knowing this won’t add anything to your relationship. Just be aware of what things you share and what resonates with your soul.
Jan from Australia asks the Masters: I have married twice but do not feel I have experienced real love. Alone for 20 years and almost 70, I would still like the company of a good man. Was this my path? To learn to live alone? I do it, but it can be hard sometimes.
Answer: You have decided that people are destined to be complete only when part of a pair. That demonstrates how you don’t love yourself and the journey you traverse. A person can love another only to the extent that they love themselves. Go inside and find that part of your soul existing in unconditional love. Then you may love yourself, if you allow it, and in turn find a true romantic love.
Nina from Brazil asks the Masters: Am I a Pleiadian?
Answer: No, you are a soul having a human experience who at one time spent a small amount of time on Pleiades.
Mannu from Brazil asks the Masters: I'm liking a man 26 years older than me can this relationship be right? Have we ever had contact in other lives? Does he like me or am I just fun for him? Does he like another? or others? Can the distance get in the way?
Answer: Age is a record of how long someone has been engaged in an activity such as life. It is not a barrier to communication or union. Your beliefs, however, can create an impenetrable blockade. The only thing that is important is how you feel about this person. He is dedicated to you at this time, but all your doubts may drive him away. The choice is yours.
Anjo from Brazil asks the Masters: I plan to do fashion design college will it be a good college for me? I thought about law or administration or physiotherapy what should I really choose not to regret in the future but to be happy?
Answer: Everyone creates their own reality and sees the world as their beliefs allow. Only you can decide what will make you happy, and that state may change over time. See what draws you to itself right now and follow that path.
Luana from Brazil asks the Masters: Since I've born I feel that I don't fit in this world. I don't feel love or identification for my family and this lack of love in my life makes me want to leave this planet everyday to meet the place I came from. How can I deal with that in life and stop feeling depressive?
Answer: Each person sets the standards by which they judge their lives. You have decided that your expectation of what love should be will shape your existence. Since you don’t “think” you like what’s here, you want to run away and leave to find something easier. You can do that if you want, but then you will be starting all over again at the beginning. Take inventory of your feelings and emotions and see how you can work with them to find your happiness.
Luciana from Brazil asks the Masters: Since I remember myself as a human being I feel I have never loved people, it seems I never felt this strong feeling that people say they do, I don't hate people but I think I don't love them. Could it be a problem? It came to my mind that my health problems could be for this lack of feeling love. Am I right?
Answer: The only way you would know if you have loved people is if you love yourself. First is total acceptance of who you and they are. Next is a true commitment to learning all about them and what they are seeking. Delve into the fears and doubts around you – those are your lessons and one of them concerns love. When you are out of balance with love, it unbalances the physical body and causes difficulties.
Luiz from Brazil asks the Masters: What is my purpose in this life? and how can I align myself to that purpose?
Answer: Your purpose, as is the purpose for all souls having a human experience, is to find out who you are as a soul and what powers and abilities you possess because of it. Start clearing out the fears and doubts in your life to get down to your essence.
Jorge from Brazil asks the Masters: Is it possible for me to know the purpose of my current incarnation?
Answer: You, as all souls, came to Earth to learn lessons about the perfection of Source by living the opposite. Follow the fears and doubts in your life and you will see what you have chosen to learn.
Tanks to Celestial Voices, Inc <contact@mastersofthespiritworld.com>
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