Title : Ask The Masters, 2018/05/08 ~ Toni and Peter.
link : Ask The Masters, 2018/05/08 ~ Toni and Peter.
Ask The Masters, 2018/05/08 ~ Toni and Peter.
Ask The Masters.
By The Celestial Voices.
Through Toni and Peter.
8th of May, 2018.
A preview of the Masters' for this Tuesday Teachings.
A UK man has questions about reality vs. illusion, which the Masters cover in an understandable way.
The Masters have an interesting explanation for a Canadian man’s perplexing lack of usual human feelings.
A Brazilian man asks about the relationship between ego and expanded consciousness. The Masters provide clarification.
The Masters have an interesting explanation for a Canadian man’s perplexing lack of usual human feelings.
A Brazilian man asks about the relationship between ego and expanded consciousness. The Masters provide clarification.
You may read these questions and answers on the Messages page of the Masters' website: http://www.mastersofthespiritworld.com/.
For translations of The Masters' Reincarnation Handbook, click on this link: http://celestialvoicesinc.com/?page_id=24 - or the Bookstore tab on the Masters' website.
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Love, Light and Laughter,
Toni and Peter.
Celestial Voices, Inc
The Questions:
Understanding our illusions
Question: Masters, you have said before that physical worlds are illusionary, being constructed by each soul, frequently in conjunction with others. How does that apply to earth as it all feels very solid to me? Have all 7 billion souls currently here on earth combined to create this current earth, is it all a great illusion? When I die and return to the spirit world is that also an illusion? Are the Akashic records of all our physical lives an illusion? Is our whole vast universe of 100 billion galaxies also an illusion? Please help to clarify. ~David, UK.
ANSWER: Each person who is in a body on Earth is really a soul who has chosen to come to experience the things or lessons they wish to be able to face in the duality of this place designed for human existence. Since all souls are unique, and have chosen tests just for themselves, they need to have an environment that will allow them to create those tasks specific to their desires.
All things are composed of energy. In its essential form, the soul is a cloud of amorphous energy; it is without physical form until its intention adopts a physical body with which to interact with other physical forms. Things feel solid to you because you intentionally place yourself in a situation where you can see, and share, the apparitions (your desired illusions) before you.
A soul always draws to itself the necessary factors to work on a lesson. If you don’t need to be aware of an element that others will use, you have the choice whether to even be aware of its existence. If something has no importance to you, it may interfere with your journey if you acknowledge that someone else has placed it in your environment to assist with their education, so you ignore it.
Some groups of people agree on the need for the same or similar fixtures in their lives, and at that point you begin to have a shared illusion with others – but here again, only with those who need to “see” the same things as you. For example, a staging is needed where you are in the middle of a mountainous area; those involved in the scenario may see it as beautiful and challenging, while those not involved may perceive it as frightening or claustrophobic and therefore avoid it.
When you leave the physical realm, you return to an energetic one where physicality does not exist, so there is no need for illusions. The Akashic records record more than just trips to the duality of Earth; they also record all contacts with other souls and other environments. They are energetic and are accessed at will.
The vast universe you refer to is part of the physical illusion shared by souls having an experience in the duality of Earth. It is background staging for an incarnate soul. Like the stage props in theater or the venue of a movie, some are real and some are digitally generated.
Am I lost in space?
QUESTION: Masters, what is happening? There is only space, silence, presence… I am only here, I cannot see my mind anymore. I cannot feel or see fear or doubts even past and future, it’s seems they have disappeared. It’s like a flow that I don’t have any words to explain it. I feel empty and with no words or desires. Only here like: Only being. It seems that I have no words to ask this question differently or even to ask. ~Franc, Canada.
ANSWER: You find yourself in what we call the enlightened fourth dimension. It can be unnerving at first because all the signposts have been removed and your direction is up to you. Your mind is a product of judgments made by the ego, and once the ego has been set free, intention drives all. There are no remaining judgments to act as directives. All responsibility has shifted to you.
You are physical, yet you have shed your physically restrictive ego judgment. Having no fears or doubts means that you have completed, or stepped away from, the lessons you chose to address in this lifetime. You are connecting with your essential self, or soul, and everything that happens to you is the product of your intention.
To orient yourself, step back, close your eyes, and “feel” who and what you are. The choice to feel physical emotions such as happiness, sadness, excitement is at your discretion. Without choosing a direction, you feel like a rudderless ship floundering on the ocean.
Connect with your inner self and use the power that is within to restart your engines for more physical experiences, if you wish. The choice is yours.
Consciousness and the ego.
QUESTION: Masters, how to reconcile an expanded state of consciousness with the Ego? Are they conflicting? How to harmonize the interests of a high state of consciousness with the immediate interests of an Ego in the third dimension? Is it possible for the Ego to understand Unity? Is it possible for an incarnate soul devoid of Ego? ~ Marcos, Brazil.
ANSWER: If by consciousness you refer to the spiritual aspects of becoming more aware of who you are as a soul and what powers and abilities that means you possess, then yes, there is a conflict with the ego. The ego is a physical, third-dimensional state where everything is rated, graded, and judged.
Judgment can only occur in the presence of negativity, so a determination can be made that something is better than, greater than, more correct than something else. You are required to have a duality to have opposites, or to determine something is less than perfection, which is the state of unconditionally loving awareness.
To reach enlightenment, or an expanded state of consciousness, one must have moved away from dependence on the ego. Evaluations concerning how much can be learned from a situation replace judging its status.
Ego cannot understand unity because of its sameness. Without a form of grading, ego fails to see anything of value. It cannot comprehend that everything has the same importance and significance with no differences whatsoever.
Incarnate souls who have worked to understand the lessons they chose for that lifetime, and have mastered the wisdom, can remain physically on Earth but rise above the need for ego and judgment. They live in a state of bliss, using their essential powers as souls to continue experiencing physicality.
Clinging to ego is a choice made by each soul who is having a human-life experience. All souls have freedom of choice, and the degree to which they adhere to third-dimensional negative characteristics determines how far they have progressed in their appointed intention to remember who they are as a piece of Source energy.
Reincarnation Guide
Lv from Brazil asks the Masters: I feel like I just woke up and it takes a lot of work to be done from now on. I'm very confused about which profession to follow. I am a lawyer but I cannot practice my profession out of fear and I do not know what I want to do professionally. I know I need to develop self-confidence and I'm working on it. Do I have a professional mission?
Answer: You sought to learn about being in control and have set up barriers to conquer in order to do that. You don’t believe in yourself, and until you do, you will not be able to accomplish anything. There is no right or wrong profession for you. You need to find something that appeals to you, after you find your strengths. Look into what causes fear in you and seek its origin. You have believed too many things people have said to you and about you that had no basis in fact. You are strong – let it come out.
Answer: You sought to learn about being in control and have set up barriers to conquer in order to do that. You don’t believe in yourself, and until you do, you will not be able to accomplish anything. There is no right or wrong profession for you. You need to find something that appeals to you, after you find your strengths. Look into what causes fear in you and seek its origin. You have believed too many things people have said to you and about you that had no basis in fact. You are strong – let it come out.
Nádia from Portugal asks the Masters: I have always had great problems of self-esteem and lack of confidence based on my personal and intellectual abilities. why from a very young age I feel that I do not deserve to practice the profession I always dreamed of, my mission? Why did I boycott myself all my life?
Answer: You are facing the life lessons you chose before you came to Earth and are letting them get the better of you instead of addressing them. In order to feel that you are not as good as other people, you have to accept and believe that. You believe it, and that is why you do not succeed. Each soul makes their own reality by the beliefs they hold. Change your beliefs and you will change your world.
Answer: You are facing the life lessons you chose before you came to Earth and are letting them get the better of you instead of addressing them. In order to feel that you are not as good as other people, you have to accept and believe that. You believe it, and that is why you do not succeed. Each soul makes their own reality by the beliefs they hold. Change your beliefs and you will change your world.
Frank from New Zealand asks the Masters: I truly like my girlfriend a Lot, we get along Very well, we have a very loving relationship. However, there is this friend of mine which seems to have a place in my heart that is unique. I feel guilty, so I would like to know if it is possible to love two people at once or am I being selfish?
Answer: Just as a parent can love their spouse, family members, and an unlimited number of children, so too can anyone love more than one person.
Answer: Just as a parent can love their spouse, family members, and an unlimited number of children, so too can anyone love more than one person.
Alexandre from Brazil asks the Masters: I no longer know what to do to stay married. Every try ends up in fight and/or misunderstanding. It looks there is a group of bad spirits affecting each one every time. Thus, we are both tired. I really got to love her. But I feel there’s no way back.
Answer: Don’t blame an imaginary bad spirit for the fact that you and your spouse have changed since your marriage. You no longer have the same desires, ambitions, and ideals. It is possible that you could remain together, but you would both be miserable unless one decides to adopt all the personality traits and beliefs of the other. It is possible to love someone but not be able to live with them because they are too different from you.
Answer: Don’t blame an imaginary bad spirit for the fact that you and your spouse have changed since your marriage. You no longer have the same desires, ambitions, and ideals. It is possible that you could remain together, but you would both be miserable unless one decides to adopt all the personality traits and beliefs of the other. It is possible to love someone but not be able to live with them because they are too different from you.
Belle from the UK asks the Masters: Please could you let me know why I was so ‘sexually’ aware from such a young age. I worry that there is a memory I have forgotten, or is it a past life hangover? I feel so much shame from my past and I find it hard having confidence in my abilities to be a therapist. Am I containing anger because of this shame? Please help in what clearly must be a life lesson but one which I am unable to have clarity from.
Answer: You were sexually abused as a child in this lifetime and have totally hidden it from the world. Your fear and guilt come from a sense that it was all your fault and you need to prevent others from sharing this same fate. You were drawn to therapy because you sensed you would be able to identify with, and help release, misplaced feelings of shame and guilt in others. You unconsciously realized there is no need to hold on to the past, so forgive yourself for doing so for so long and move on.
Answer: You were sexually abused as a child in this lifetime and have totally hidden it from the world. Your fear and guilt come from a sense that it was all your fault and you need to prevent others from sharing this same fate. You were drawn to therapy because you sensed you would be able to identify with, and help release, misplaced feelings of shame and guilt in others. You unconsciously realized there is no need to hold on to the past, so forgive yourself for doing so for so long and move on.
Luciana from Australia asks the Masters: A few weeks before my daughter took her own life, she said that she felt as though she was 'possessed'. Was she possessed? Did the entity who possessed her make her take her own life?
Answer: Yes, and yes. An extremely negative discarnate occupied her body and convinced her that the only way to have peace was to kill herself.
Answer: Yes, and yes. An extremely negative discarnate occupied her body and convinced her that the only way to have peace was to kill herself.
Uma from Singapore asks the Masters: I was in a bad marriage and subsequently bad relationships all my life. I thought I had met my soulmate 2 years ago, but he has also rejected me. I feel that there is someone waiting for me, but I don’t know how I am going to find him. I feel sad sometimes that I am going to spend my life without experiencing true romantic love. Are there any vows that I may have forgotten to disavow? Please help me understand.
Answer: You have an intensity that over-shadows any partner. After a while they cannot stand your demanding that they meet your expectations in the relationship. You do not share yourself but expect them to do as you desire. You are forcing these people away rather than trying to find a common ground with them. Let go of your expectations. Be open and vulnerable to a potential lover. Communicate your feelings and fears before they come between you.
Answer: You have an intensity that over-shadows any partner. After a while they cannot stand your demanding that they meet your expectations in the relationship. You do not share yourself but expect them to do as you desire. You are forcing these people away rather than trying to find a common ground with them. Let go of your expectations. Be open and vulnerable to a potential lover. Communicate your feelings and fears before they come between you.
WNJ from Brazil asks the Masters: Have ended a relationship of almost four years, but I cannot disconnect energetically from the former partner. I have prayed for me and for him, so that bad energy and bad energies are dissolved and transformed into peace and love. However, I dream of them every day and every day more puts a strong feeling in my heart, as if I should try to go after him and rebuild our relationship. I need guidance on how to do it, as I'm afraid to try.
Answer: Any relationship takes the full cooperation of both parties. What one wants is insufficient to see it done. You have created an imaginary dream world around the two of you. He is not a part of this union and, further, does not desire to be included. You are the same two persons who got together four years ago. You have different ideas, hopes, and fears, and the two sets are in total conflict with each other. Find someone who is in sync with you and wants to share your dreams.
Answer: Any relationship takes the full cooperation of both parties. What one wants is insufficient to see it done. You have created an imaginary dream world around the two of you. He is not a part of this union and, further, does not desire to be included. You are the same two persons who got together four years ago. You have different ideas, hopes, and fears, and the two sets are in total conflict with each other. Find someone who is in sync with you and wants to share your dreams.
Maija from the UK asks the Masters: Approximately two years ago eating meat suddenly became unpleasant to me, meat lover at the time. I wonder, what changed and who made this decision: my mind, body or innate? What is/was a purpose of this?
Answer: Finding a food that was previously highly regarded becoming suddenly unpleasant has many causes. Nutrition triggers various bodily reactions on both a physical and nonphysical level having to do with the five senses, emotions, bodily responses, and beliefs. Your unconscious associated a meatless existence with a healthier future and a more spiritual or higher vibration. It is simply an example of your freedom of choice putting in an appearance.
Answer: Finding a food that was previously highly regarded becoming suddenly unpleasant has many causes. Nutrition triggers various bodily reactions on both a physical and nonphysical level having to do with the five senses, emotions, bodily responses, and beliefs. Your unconscious associated a meatless existence with a healthier future and a more spiritual or higher vibration. It is simply an example of your freedom of choice putting in an appearance.
Daniela from Brazil asks the Masters: I have a daughter with one person and today we live together, and it is she who unites us. He already betrayed me and so I cannot forgive. In a fight he said he wanted me to leave. leaves my job and he supported me to raise our daughter, but today he does what he wants, and I do not see that he will make money. I'm feeling very lonely because I wanted support from him and I feel helpless to start my new job. Do we have a karma to solve or am I holding myself to someone who does not love me? I need strength and light.
Answer: This has nothing to do with karma. He does not love you and no longer even cares for you. His feeling for his daughter varies depending on what he wants to do. He is not dependable and may or may not send you support. The sooner you set up your own housekeeping, the sooner you will find stability. What you want means absolutely nothing to him.
Answer: This has nothing to do with karma. He does not love you and no longer even cares for you. His feeling for his daughter varies depending on what he wants to do. He is not dependable and may or may not send you support. The sooner you set up your own housekeeping, the sooner you will find stability. What you want means absolutely nothing to him.
Lidia from Brazil asks the Masters: I spent two years unemployed and it caused a huge impact on my self-confidence, especially when it comes to my professional abilities. Today I am really grateful that I am working on something I like, but my lack of self-confidence is reflected in my wage. Now I am focused on freeing myself from limited beliefs and I have improved a lot, but I still struggle with the self-esteem issue. It would be nice if you could give me some insights about this situation.
Answer: Self-esteem is one of your major lessons. It will continue to bother you until you decide that it is not needed and does not define who and what you are. You are a soul, a piece of Source energy with all the powers and abilities that implies. Until you accept this, and that you are the same as all other of Source’s pieces, you will always defer to others as being your betters. The choice is yours.
Answer: Self-esteem is one of your major lessons. It will continue to bother you until you decide that it is not needed and does not define who and what you are. You are a soul, a piece of Source energy with all the powers and abilities that implies. Until you accept this, and that you are the same as all other of Source’s pieces, you will always defer to others as being your betters. The choice is yours.
Violet from Brazil asks the Masters: What kind of lessons did my daughter and I choose that makes us live apart? It hurts our hearts so much! Will we live together again? Will I be able to support ourselves again? Please give me a light.
Answer: Each soul comes into a human experience for their own learning. Human familial relationships are not necessary for one to complete their desired journey. A lesson for you is to honor yourself and learn to stand on your own two feet without the need to cling to another. As for your daughter, she needs to accept responsibility for all aspects of her life. When you both have succeeded in those tasks, you have the opportunity to reunite – but it is up to both of you to make that decision.
Answer: Each soul comes into a human experience for their own learning. Human familial relationships are not necessary for one to complete their desired journey. A lesson for you is to honor yourself and learn to stand on your own two feet without the need to cling to another. As for your daughter, she needs to accept responsibility for all aspects of her life. When you both have succeeded in those tasks, you have the opportunity to reunite – but it is up to both of you to make that decision.
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