Title : THE QUANTUM AWAKENING #232 ~ Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
link : THE QUANTUM AWAKENING #232 ~ Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
THE QUANTUM AWAKENING #232 ~ Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
A Website, a Global Electronic Newsletter,
A Thought, A Way of Life,
‘A Doorway to the Heart’
issue #232
APRIL 2018
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan.
This NEWSLETTER is Electronically sent out ‘FREE’ but you must Subscribe to receive it. Please go to www.thequantumawakening.com and sign up for newsletter or click on link at bottom of this newsletter. To unsubscribe scroll to bottom and click
Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted
with Love and dedication to the Light by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
This newsletter has been in circulation, hard copy and online, since 1986 and reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary Light-Workers. One to one, light to Light.
Feel free to share this information from My heart to Yours
Quantum Newsletters have been lovingly translated into ‘Spanish’ by Suzy Peralta from Argentina for many years. Thank you dear Lady of Light for all your hard work http://www.manantialcaduceo.com.ar/boletin/despertar_cuantico.htm
***from your Hostess of Light
*** Mahalo, I am Aloha Spirit of the Water
***2018 is all about Change
***This next doorway of light that you enter into has been seeking you – as you are seeking it
***Sirens Song: ‘Bismuth the Purifier Stone’
*** Transmission Sessions with Gillian
***Cosmic Classified
From Your Hostess of Light:
All one can say is holy moly, what the heck did I do to piss off the universe? Those of you that receive this newsletter all hold a brilliant light and a good heart. You try harder, give more, and love deeply, so why is the Universe turning your worlds upside down? Everyday there seems to be something blocking our progress, keeping us from achieving our hearts desires, our mission orders, and our dreams coming true. There are profound and intense energies happening at this time. Do not ask for any upgrades for your biological unit or your emotional unit. The energies that come forth moving at millions of miles a second come from deep space. The light pours itself forward into the center of our Earth hearts. These energies have no consciousness they only have a mission to move throughout the cosmos and deposit their truth into living beings.
Mankind is of hybrid made of stardust. That which comes forth from deep space brings a cosmic message a deep remembrance and the promise of a new beginning. These energies that come forth pouring into the human heart do so at the request of the universe. For even though the Creators presence is not seen as much as in days of old, the rhetoric we still hold with Divinity always reaches its Source. As Earth moves into more solar waves of light penetrating the very cell membranes, our very DNA engages us in an Initiation within a biological tent. We come to a conjunction within ourselves.
This light comes forth as cosmic rays with no barricades of any kind dispersing their molecular intent into all areas of our human life from moods to weather to health. Their entrance point has always been the heart, their peak season is expanded categorically. They are demanding and make you look at what you do not want to see. Like a Personal trainer they demand more of you than you think you're capable of giving. Each human being has a point of weakness an Achilles heal of sorts. These living photons of supercharged light penetrate like an Immaculate Conception on the first date.
These incoming Cosmic bursts will put you out of your comfort zone will make you look at categories and genres that you never thought you would address. They will bring forth deep cellular memories of what has to be completed. Humans waste so much time being afraid and mad at everything and everyone around them, pointing fingers at parents, presidents and past lives. Not taking the fullness of responsibility.
At this point of energy the universe is pointing its boney Cosmic finger at us. It is asking us to receive a truth that's deeper than we have ever acknowledged in the past. Contracts will be fulfilled, businesses will be changed, and families will be separated and joined together simultaneously. Divine order seems out of character and somewhat bi-polar as we all grasp for a life line of safety. Trilliums of truths are ready to escape the clause that holds them contained. Ride the energies as they become birthed upon earth thru the vortex of the heart you hold. Touch the striations of light lineage like cosmic Braille. For even though you feel small of nature you hold a galactic key that will unlock a future that is yet to be seen but holds a Great Light. blessings Gillian.
Mahalo, I am Aloha Spirit of the Water
Mahalo, I am Aloha Spirit of the Water and land of Hawaii. I come to position myself within your hearts as you feel the bloom of the hibiscus and the plumeria in your being, as you feel the healing emerald green of the highest peaks of the islands, as you feel the burning desires of Mother Earth as molten lava meeting the ocean, as you feel the tropical breezes within your soul.
For many years before I was birthed fully into an earthen spirit, I was angered much with those who disfigured the sacred land. I was angry about how they changed the landscape of the future, my children’s future, and my children’s children future. I knew as did my peoples, the sacredness of all, every flower, every shell, every granule of sand, held a sacred space. All of these earth particles were alive and spoke to my heart. I heard the call of the birds, of the bees, of the insects, of the sea animals, and all were at peace with themselves. And then, progress was born, progress that devastated the sacred land, the beautiful people and their holy sanctuary.
The people of the islands learned to hold deep within them all that was sacred. Thru all the shifts they held the sacredness of land, the ocean, the air, and the fire within themselves. They closed down much of their senses because they could not physically endure the pain of extinction, a loss of truth that went deeper than the ocean. An eradication of customs that were looked upon with disdain, an annihilation of the peace the islands represented. The energy of what one holds sacred always seems to come under attack by outside alarming forces. It is by only focusing on the outside world that one draws pain and confusion in to one's self. By opening the doorway to separation, one draws continuing devastation.
Seek to become ALL. For as long as you separate yourself from that which disgusts you or hurts you or angers you, you shall never come into wholeness within your own being. This is the state of planet earth that you were birthed to experience. On the earth there is great polarity. When the wind blows in one direction, the sands shifts in another, the waters whorl in another, the fire becomes a cold ember. When the direction of your life shifts unexpectedly and all that you took for granted is no longer there, then you have received an invitation into emptiness so that you can be filled again.
Walk through the glassy lava tubes of what is dark and what was once fiery to find the sacred place along the shoreline. All things that make themselves known to you do it because you are equal in vibration. All things in your life give to you the gift of the unexpected. It may be an unexpected rain shower, an unexpected rainbow, or an unexpected hello from a stranger on the shore. Every day your life is filled with a variety of the unexpected and the expected.
As a human it is sometimes easier to embrace the expected than the unexpected. You have adapted and choose to stay in-between the dividing lines and the vanilla boxes of your life. A place where you think you are safe, sheltered and invisible. In that zone of comfort there is no growth in spirit or earth heart.
As humans You think that your five senses are so limited. Yet Each one of them gives you a multitude of gifts. It is up to you to alter your perception. You can hear the neighbors anger and disruptive or you can listen to the birds singing to your soul. You can hear the waves crashing on the shore eating sand for breakfast or you can see the land sculpting itself into something new and beautiful.
It is time to birth all of your human senses before you start looking for others to take their place. Look at everything as a sacred gift and a sacred opportunity to move from fear, and anger into a higher form. Your hates pollute yourself and the earth. many are angry at the deforestation, at the pollution in the waters, and angry with the government. All these things grow and expand turning into monstrous thoughts until you bless them and shrink them with love.
Your life is a miracle. Bless it. Breathing is a miracle, bless it. You are dreaming life and it is dreaming you. You are your neighbor's dream and your neighbors are your dream. When you want to shift, you shall. When you want to wake up from the nightmares, you shall. But until then you will continue to dream and learn. Become as water in all of its forms, shift and change, flow while contracting and expanding. Do not settle or nest long in anger and fears. Relax your body and become as water shifting without remorse.
You cannot undo what has been done. You cannot undo others deem as correct. However you can bless it all, before after and during the fact. Whatever or whoever hurts you, bless it. What angers you, bless it. What binds your soul, bless it. For the very act of blessing anything or anyone (good bad or ugly) has a lessening effect. Lessen the pain of earth by blessing it, raising its vibration to a sharp noticeable point. Do not pull up and out the blessings of each day to see if they grew in the night. Know in your beautiful human heart that each blessing has taken root, and seeks the light of a new day. I bless you, Mahalo! (In Loving Memory of Hawaiian Goddess Susan Aono)
2018 is all about Change
2018 is all about change and I don't mean that loosely. Change, Change, change is echoing in the chambers of our souls. The very word change is an 11 vibration. (Within the energy of eleven lives a de-light-full smorgasbord of experiences. Each experience is designed to offer food for thought through a maze of learning, allowing you to Let go of man-made manifestation and coming into Christed Creation. Doorways open doorways close and you are in-between all. Burst free from the previous shackles of limitation and fly high on the spiraling winds of truth beyond thinking and time. Your eternal heart will lead you in the direction of perfect flow. Light has a need to serve to embrace to become one with. Without you the light sits alone in waiting.)
Trying to follow the direction of our heart is not a job for sissies. It takes a tough dedicated spiritually strong person to do the bidding of the heart and soul. This year has been a time of metamorphosis. The hard way the easy way and every way in between. We as a planet have been stripped down to our barely human essentials. Standing in front of the great Oz, we bare our souls, leaving them out to dry like a wet ocean soaked towel.
Feeling so ready to shift, wanting to experience the shift in one second instead of one hundred minutes. Your Soul commands you to jump, you freeze like a beginner skydiver. Everything around you says "just jump into the shift, into the change, into the divine plan that is waiting". As we ready ourselves for change we expect all of our cosmic duckies to be in a row, Lined up and ready to enter the water. We look to our world to reflect our intention finding a black mirror with no reflection. In this nothingness We begin to question our intentions, our prayers and our worthiness,
OK God you say, Shift me…Change me… Get me out of this dang Rut. I'm ready, I'm able and I’m willing. Show me the rabbit hole and give me the courage to jump. The universe smiles and points to a document we all signed before coming aboard starship earth. The ‘ I’ll see it when I believe it, cosmic clause!
In 2018 we have entered a newer, bigger wider doorway of creational learning. No longer are we mild mannered humans praying, crying, or cajoling an Almighty Creator to give to us a helping hand. We have achieved Creational Maturity. From this point forward in our evolution, creations can only be birthed when we embrace the " I’ll see it when I believe it clause". In this elevated understanding of creation we are asked to be mature in our manifestations, to create concisely not haphazardly. We learn not to curse our creations when they do not appear on the date and time we expect them to arrive. For our curses send them scampering back through time and space into the ethers.
You are the Creator of your own circumstances. When we react to sudden chaos/or negative changes in our life we delay the positive outcomes found in the silver lining when the doo-doo hits the cosmic fan. If we accept chaos as an opportunity for spiritual promotion, negativity will dissolve and let go of its choke hold. We alone determine the amount of time in which turmoil passes. It is time to stop poisoning our future with our doubts.
In this new level of Creatorship we cannot doubt any of our intentions no matter how slight that doubt may be. We need to ready ourselves for the life lessons in all situations, if your intention is to manifest a certain set of life experiences and you do not see the blueprint manifesting in your world, then understand the manifestation is large of molecules and must pass through several layers of light and life in order to be brought forth in concentrated form. The warmth of summer will force us all into the shade of our new thinking, looking at how we have created and uncreated since the beginning of time. We truly are experts at this game of creation.
This next doorway of light that you enter into has been seeking you –
As you are seeking it
Everything that you see in the landscape of your eyes and heart is yours. It belongs to no other but you. The responsibility that you hold for your world is held within your line of sight every minute of every day. By adhering to laws of purity, you will heal your internal and external worlds. By adhering to laws of divinity, you will by-pass the speed limit of earth limitations. This next doorway of light that you enter into has been seeking you – as you are seeking it. All things that your heart desires are made manifest through your yearnings, however these manifestations do not always take the form you so instructed.
View your daily events as a heart’s desire that has manifested on a tangible level. Look forward to each morning with a knowing that you will surpass the previous days limitations. It matters not how you entered the field of inquiry. It matters only that you enter. The stages of judgment that you place upon your self are yours for the birthing and yours for the dismantling.
Seek not the approval of those in your world, those in your family, or those in your heart – but seek the approval of your soul and your fine light. For never in your external world will others hold you up to the light that you are so destined to hold. It is in this knowing that you will by-pass many obstacles that you have self-imposed from your beginning. Each day give to your self – a quality and quantity of love that you feel comfortable in receiving. You give to yourself truth that you feel comfortable hearing. the Universe – your Mother/Father/God – does not ask you to learn through negativity or fear or pain, That is a human choice.
Every morn with your first breath back from the light realms declare "on this day, I will receive all that brings me joy and light and love. I am not available for this day to be bad or negative or filled with worry. I will not allow this day to destroy my dreams, my hopes, or my hearts desires. I will embrace this day with the fullness of my divinity. I no longer choose to learn the hard way. I choose Light, knowing that what I set my thoughts upon in this day shall be rendered free to manifest and so it shall be. I will fly with winged horses far above what keeps me limited. For it is I and not another that clips the wings of my soul and drowns my dreams. On this day, I cease blaming others for what I do not have, for what I do not feel, for what I do not experience. For the voice of the divinity within me is loud and clear.
Sirens Song
‘Bismuth the Purifier Stone’
The sirens song lives within each of us. Deep in our soul we hear the call of what will bring us joy, love and peace. We all seem to sit upon a rock of ages, feeling alone in our sojourn, separate from what lives in our heart. Never really feeling connected to our world. We call and call singing our soul desires for all the oceans of earth to hear. We seek to be part of that which we find ourselves enveloped within. We seek earth love in all of its myriad forms. We seek togetherness in our heart and soul. We all know that we came to earth to learn and love. We came from many a place in god’s endless universe and we have worn many forms in that learning. This beautiful bismuth crystal geode come to show us our sirens song has been heard, and floats upon the endless seas of time. Like a message in a bottle it seeks us as we seek it!
The healing properties of Bismuth relieve soul symptoms of isolation and loneliness, both spiritually and emotionally. This is a powerful crystal of transformation. It is a jewel that not only transforms the negative into the positive but pushes the soul in the right direction as it searches for peace on earth. It connects the inner soul with inner Earth.
The healing properties of Bismuth relieve soul symptoms of isolation and loneliness, both spiritually and emotionally. This is a powerful crystal of transformation. It is a jewel that not only transforms the negative into the positive but pushes the soul in the right direction as it searches for peace on earth. It connects the inner soul with inner Earth.
This crystal allows spirit to flow from the crown chakra to the root chakra refining the entire aura. It lets the soul see the truth of life and live in the present rather than in the past or future. This stone cleans the living aura. Because it stimulates energy, it can clear the biological field immediately. It is wonderful for Shamanic journeys allowing the soul to transform while in the spiritual realms. It bestows high energy and connects one to the higher realms of Light. It also improves concentration and visualization during Shamanic journeys.
Bismuth is a Purifier Stone one of its jobs is to clear biological energy fields. It is a single element known as a Purifier stones. Purifier stones are crystals that are composed of a single element. These powerful and beautiful stones help to build faith laced with hope. They work for peace, creating joy and helping us to achieve spiritual growth. These crystals have pure purpose and motives. Bismuth crystals are very protective and offer you a retreat, Use as a protective amulet. Use it to support transformation while traveling between the physical world and the realms of spirit. It can help with visualization during shamanic journeying
Bismuth naturally occurs with an iridescent oxide tarnish that reflects a full spectrum of colors. These crystals are typically laboratory grown. Bismuth is melted then a rod is placed in the molten metal and pulled up slowly, which allows crystals to form as it cools. Bismuth has been known since ancient times and was often confused with tin and lead. It is element #83 on the Periodic table. The largest deposits of naturally occurring Bismuth are found in Bolivia. Bismuth is a crystalline, brittle metal which resists being magnetized and is repelled by a magnetic field. It also has an unusually high electrical resistance. it has the unusual property like water, it expands as it freezes.
Traditionally rainbow Bismuth has been used to ease us through transitions, encouraging a calm acceptance of change and helping us to adapt and transform. It can prevent you from becoming overwhelmed by responsibilities while at the same time increasing your energy levels and desire to deal with them. This single element crystal stimulates drive especially when working as part of a team. This is a great stone for bringing groups together as it supports soul connections.
These stones are bismuth infused geodes from Brazil. I have never seen anything like them before. There are some natural imperfections, as there is within all of us. But the beauty over-lights all flaws. Go to www.thequantumawakening.com to see pix and prices Bismuth Affirmation: I am complete.
Transmission Sessions with Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
The word transmission means “across, beyond, through” and that is exactly how these sessions can be defined. They are not just your vanilla box session of truth, they are an experience that seeks your soul filling it with truth you may or may not want to hear. Each session is uniquely tailored to suit your spiritual needs.
Your ‘Transmission session’ will be recorded and sent to you via
USB storage device using USPS ‘snail mail.’ (this is not a phone reading)
I will 'snail mail your transmission session via USB storage device' which you can insert into your computer and keep to listen to your session whenever you want.
Each transmission session is recorded/ 1.5 hour + long/ each session costs $144
Total session cost $144 includes USB device and mailing costs.
About the Transmission Sessions
Your transmission session will be done remotely, (THIS IS NOT A PHONE READING) there is no need for you to be aware or present for the session. Your soul light is aligned with your highest good and is present for this transmission session.
When you get your transmission session USB and listen, everything will then be downloaded into your humanness. As soon as you send for this session a powerful healing will begin, because you have given permission on a human and soul level.
*** Session 1/ First off we will clear the energy field to release any blocks or resistance to having this transmission session. We will do this thru healing sound. Clearing with Peruvian Healing vessels/ or crystal bowls / Bring in light saturate field of light.
*** Session 2/ Protection statements, clearing, spiritual release statements
*** Session 3/ karma release and clearing/
*** Session 4 / healing and clearing DNA / past lives /clearing future lives/ clearing bloodline/
*** Session 5/ Spiritual teaching and insights from Gillian
*** Session6 / channeling session. Channeled message from Gillian and your Teachers of Light
Send payment of $144 via www.paypal.com to thequantumawakening@gmail.com
please let me know if you have made payment , I do not always get email notice from paypal, thx
or send $144 USA check/ MO
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO box 217
Dandridge, TN 37725
Cosmic classified
‘Northern Lights’ Black Spruce Essential Oil
Northern Lights Black Spruce essential oil comes from Young Living’s Northern Lights Farm in British Columbia, Canada. Diffuse this rich, woodsy, and invigorating scent during meditation to create a fresh aromatic and healing atmosphere. Northern Lights Black Spruce can be applied anywhere, including the bottoms of feet, along the spine, back of neck, or used for massage.
“Black Spruce Speaks thru Gary Young"
"I am here now to fulfill my mission as told by the ancient people. The ancient people call me ‘Black Spruce of the Northern Lights’ because my branches touch the dancing colors in the sky, intertwining Mother Earth’s strength with the mysteries of the heavens. I am here to give strength and help all creatures become secure, as am I. I am here to help the human race build a relationship with the Creator, not looking to the Creator as the protector but to understand that he made all living things to have the power to be strong, adding purpose to creation, not taking energy but giving back. Hold and cherish my essence. Let it help you grow, learn, and explore your God-given potential to know who you are and have the power within you to change the world with just your thoughts and be a living example of your creation.”
This oil includes the naturally occurring constituents alpha-pinene, camphene, and beta-pinene this is an important ingredient in many young living products (Valor II®, ShutranTM, HarmonyTM, AwakenTM, EnvisionTM, GroundingTM, R.C.TM, Relieve ItTM, and White AngelicaTM essential oil blends.)
Suggested Use
• Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop of V-6TM oil. Apply to desired area as needed.
• Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes 3 times daily.
Suggested Use
• Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop of V-6TM oil. Apply to desired area as needed.
• Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes 3 times daily.
From Diana: For me the tree oils give me courage and strength as well as grounding, but this oil also has a very highest frequency, so my spirit soars!
You can obtain this precious essential oil at www.GreenForVitality.com
Diana Ewald
Phone: 407.399.8562
Young Living Silver Member 534462***********************************
This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit
any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniqueness
Support Where You Receive Your Spiritual Truths
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO Box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee
Tanks to: The Quantum Awakening <TheQuantumAwakening@Gmail.com>
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Thus Article THE QUANTUM AWAKENING #232 ~ Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
That's an article THE QUANTUM AWAKENING #232 ~ Gillian MacBeth-Louthan This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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