Title : Lord Ashtar and One Who Serves ~ James McConnell
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Lord Ashtar and One Who Serves ~ James McConnell
Lord Ashtar and One Who Serves
Channeled by James McConnell
March 31, 2019

These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Payson, AZ on March 25, 2018. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)
Commander Ashtar
I AM Ashtar.
I Am always pleased to be with you in these times, in these moments, always remembering that we are in the now moment. Yes there are many things to look forward to and yes there have been many things that you have gone through in your past. But begin more and more now to let go of the past. Let go of all of the programming of the past and begin more and more to live in this perfect now, knowing that this is the perfect now. That everything is being prepared, orchestrated as you will, to bring in the perfect system for this planet. And realizing that you are this perfect system here in this planet.
Several weeks ago I spoke about preparation that we are in the final stages now. We have been given that signal to be in that final stage of the preparation through this transition process. And I come now to share that with you again so that you know that not only are we prepared to move in a moment’s notice when that signal is given by Prime Creator, but that each one of you are also prepared to be in that moment.
You are hearing, much of you are hearing now about landings, about contact, and yes that is also in preparation. Those that you know of as the Pleiadians are the forerunners of this. They are the ones that you will be primarily making contact with and will be making contact with you. Because this is that moment prior to when these events can begin to happen.
You have heard about the Great Event and we have spoken to you about many mini events that will be leading up to this. This is one of those mini events where you will begin to have more and more sightings of our ships in the skies. Many of you will begin to make contact with those of us in our ships and we with you as you call upon us. For we will never interfere with your direct lives unless you call upon us. But know that even when you do call that it may not yet be quite the right moment for you, individually.
But know that those times are coming. Those moments are ahead. We relish these times where we can be of assistance. But always remember that even though we are here to be assistants to you, you are here to be of assistance to us. For we cannot do it without you and together, all of us working with you, are bringing about this great orchestration here in this transition on the planet.
You are going to be hearing of many revealings that are coming forward. From many different sources they will come. Those moments prior to this, you have been leading up to and everything is about to begin to take its course. Everything is about to begin to shift more and more. But as always it is for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear. Those of you that have been readying for this will be the first ones to make contact with those of us in our ships. You will be the first ones to hear the revealings that are coming forward in many different areas. You will be the ones that will be hearing about the financial changeover that is in the works now.
But as always be patient. Let it come to you. And as the One Who Serves is so fond of saying, go with the flow at all times for this is the way of the future. This is the way of the fifth dimension, the higher frequencies. Learn to go with the flow and learn to be neutral at every moment that you can. Find that neutrality within you just as you find the Source within you which is neutral.
I AM Ashtar. I leave you now with all my peace and love and know that we are standing by to move at a moment’s notice to be there with you when the times call for it and the frequencies have reached their crescendo.
One Who Serves
Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om. Om. Greetings to you!
One Who Serves here with you to continue on to bring you forward in all that is happening here. To bring you to the next level of your being. Because that is what this is all about.
It is all about moving to the next level of your being. It is about moving through this transition process and moving through it freely and easily. And having everything be exactly as it needs to be and then knowing that you are exactly where you need to be in every given moment.
We know this is difficult for some of you because you wonder, ‘well why is it happening to him and her and why is it not happening to me? Why am I not been reached out from above from those of the ships? Why are they not contacting me? I have been yelling to them and asking for them. Please, please, please beam me up but nothing is happening. Nothing is happening.’
But we assure you that everything is happening. Everything is in the moment. It is happening. You just need to sit back, let it be, as the Beatles song goes. Let it be and really seriously let it be. Because it is all in the process all in the moment and you are in that perfect moment at all times.
And as we say many, many times everything is being orchestrated. And if you continue to understand that everything is being orchestrated, then there is no reason to be concerned about what this one is saying or that one is saying or how they are saying it or whether they are coming from their ego or they are not coming from their ego. None of this matters. You see? None of this matters because if it does matter to you then you are not being in a neutral state and you are not allowing the Source to move through you and within you and to be the being that you are. You see?
So let it all go and be in the perfect now because really when it comes down to it that’s all you can do. If you continue to hold onto the past then your past will continue to hold on to you. So go forward my friends, like the people here, ‘go forward and prosper’. Is that the saying here? No that is not what we really mean here. “Live long and prosper”. Yes, the Spock thing, yes, as we are finding it here within the James. Wonderful, wonderful show.
And it was given here by someone if you have not for some time it is time maybe to revisit that show because it is a wonderful show to talk to you about the coming times; what is ahead here. You are moving into a Star Trek generation. Do you realize that? Do you really realize that you are very close to moving into this; to becoming a part of the Galactic Federation? That is also real. To begin to more and more utilize the Prime Directive of non-interference that is also very real. We all follow that. So sit back fasten those seatbelts and enjoy the show because the show is really about to start.
Do you have questions here for One Who Serves?
Q & A
Q: [emailed question] If we see number patterns does it mean that we are in sync with the universe?
OWS: Absolutely. If you are seeing very many, as very many are seeing these number patterns, the 555, the 333, the 11:11, 12:12, 10:10, and all of these things are all a part of the
somebody please. You need to mute that device there. Yes very good.
If you are seeing these, experiencing these, again it is for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear. So there are many that will see these sequences but pay no attention to it. It doesn’t mean anything to them. But those of you that see it and pay attention to it then it will increase more and more because it is because all about synchronicity. It is all about taking you to the next level of your being. That is what this entire program is about: taking you to the next level of your being. Okay?
Q: [emailed question] If we are telepathically inclined will we get more and more experiences and will it be easier to interact with animals and people?
OWS: Absolutely. Again it is very similar here. If you are aware of these things or if you are aware of being telepathic or being able to commune with animals and nature and all of this, the more that you are aware of it then the more you allow it, the more it will continue. The more you will get those glimpses that we have spoken of many times of seeing through the veil. All of this. It is a part of the transition that you are moving through. As you become more telepathic, as you become able to do many different things what we call the gifts of spirit coming back to you. And we say that in direct terms here: coming back to you because you once had these abilities, the different abilities to move objects with your mind, to be able to telepathically communicate with another, to be able to lift yourself up off of the ground in terms of no gravity. Can you imagine if you could begin to fly like Superman?! What wonderful times ahead people!
Q: [emailed question] Regarding auras, I’ve been seeing colors around me but of late I have seen that the colors have changed. Instead of bright green, violet, blue, yellow, orange, and red, it has changed into pastels and to lighter colors. The question is, do the colors transmute as you [inaudible] a higher vibration?
OWS: Absolutely. As you are moving into these higher vibrations you will begin to notice more of these higher frequency colors that are coming in. Some that you are not even aware of yet. Or some of you are beginning to become aware of these in terms of those higher vibration colors. The magenta, the purple colors, the violet colors, and the brilliance within that colors is even more important here. As the frequencies raise then you will begin to notice more of these colors and as you notice more of these colors you will find that you are in the higher vibrations therefore in the higher fourth and fifth dimension, and these colors will become even more important to you as you move up higher and higher in vibration here.
Q: [emailed question] We know that upcoming energies approaching Earth these days, enter consciousness to enlighten us with love and to wake us up to the truth about ourselves. Are these energies part of the healing to our original [inaudible] or would that be at the Galactic disclosure and all aero ships are decloaked?
OWS: These energies are increasing greatly rapidly you might say. And as they continue to increase you will begin to notice more and more of these higher level energies. It is all a process of coming together, as one in terms of coming together in past, present and future, are all coming together into one zero point. What is known as the zero point. And you will find that as you move higher in these vibrations everything, you will begin to notice those of what are called the aero ships here, the Galactic ships, you will become more and more aware of them. This is the process that Ashtar was speaking of in terms of showing themselves more and more but only to those that are ready to see them. And in order to be ready to see them you already have to be in the higher vibrations. As someone said earlier in your discussion they will not come to you, you must go to them. So you must raise your vibration in order to make contact with them.
Q: [emailed question] Sometimes when I lay down to sleep I close my eyes (but not quite asleep) in a relaxed state like meditating I feel flashes of light in front of my eyes. Then I open my eyes thinking that one of my daughters is taking a picture of me but obviously she’s not. What does this mean and can you comment?
OWS: Yes. This is again, as you are raising in vibration, moving into the higher dimensional frequencies, you will experience more of these types of things. The scientific explanation here but we are not going to go there. We are going to go beyond the scientific explanation of this phenomenon and speak in terms of a spiritual understanding. And this comes at the higher vibration as you are moving into a deeper state of meditation or even more of a sleep state where you will begin to notice these flashes of light. This is also about your kundalini expression moving up your spine and noticing this flash of light and happens. It will seem like it is in your mind’s eye but it is your third eye that is awakening here and creating this phenomenon. Your science will not explain it in this way though they will come up with something entirely different. [Laughter]
Again we need to ask whoever is on your phone please mute your phone. It is very disconcerting here. You know who you are please. There. Much better. Now we can continue. Please keep it that way.
Are there other questions here now?
Q: As I understand it, at some point we’re going to be taken for some R&R and to learn the ways of the fifth dimension that we can then bring back to the people of the Earth. And I heard here tell too about some forgetting that will happen. Will we forget the important people in our lives? Or will we forget events? Or what exactly are we going to forget if we’re going to forget anything?
OWS: If they are important people to you, you will not forget them. You will only forget the ones that are not important to you. What we are saying here is as you go through this process, this R&R as you are saying — and yes that is correct. There will be much of that. It will be like a vacation you have always wanted to take and were never able to and then multiply that thousands times over as to what that would be like. Can you imagine? Those of you that have been on your cruise ships and things, and how wonderful that is, imagine being on a cruise spaceship or starship. Can you imagine what that would be like as you soar across the heavens into even other solar systems, if you will, and see other planets and the beauty that is out there. So all of this is coming yes.
And your question though can you repeat that one other part of your question?
Q: Well I guess what exactly would we forget?
You will forget those things that you do not need to remember anymore. [Laughter] That is a simple answer to this. If you will forget those parts of your past that are no longer important to you. All of that old programming you will forget. It will be in the past. It will not be important anymore. Now that does not mean that you will forget all of your life previous to this. You will not. But it will, as you move into the higher vibrations, it will be like a dream that you woke up from.
Q: So to clarify. If I had, for instance, someone that I did love but that relationship didn’t go well, would I forget the whole relationship or probably just the parts that didn’t go so well?
OWS: Mostly just the parts that did not go so well. Again the old programming. The old things that do not work for you anymore as you move in, you see. Now this is not going to be instantaneous. You are not all of a sudden going to forget all of your old friends and your family and all of this. That is not what is going to happen. It will be a gradual process that you will go through. But you will go through this process as you realize you no longer need to have those memories. They are no longer beneficial to you in the moment.
Q: It was a wonderful meditation that Sananda, I believe it was Sananda…
OWS: It was Ashtar. Ashtar.
Q: It was Ashtar?! Oh my gosh. While I was going through the meditation …
OWS: Are you still time traveling? [Reference to conversation during unrecorded open forum.] [Laughter]
Q: I probably was because I was almost lifted off of my sofa. And I had a very sharp [screeching, shrill] noise go into my ear. This is when I could see when we were up above Gaia and we were lending our light. And all of a sudden my physical body just like real sharp frequency noise came through my ear and it was very loud and it almost felt like I was floating. So something happened to my physical body while my light body was up there. I just wanted to know was that a message or something for me?
OWS: Yes. It was an indication that you are having a real experience here. Many of you think when you do these guided meditations here and you are out of your body that you are really not out of your body or that it is something you are making up in your mind. And we often tell you over and over your imagination is key here. Your visualization skills are key here. So go with this. Go with it and know it is real. And this was an indication to you that it was a real experience to feel it back there in your physical form. Okay?
Q: Referring back to the other caller’s question when we’re on the R&R, how about people in our lives when we are doing the R&R portion and having this experience, would our loved ones know of our absence? How does that work out with them? Does time stop for them? And we’re only gone for a few minutes when we’re really gone for days? I was just wondering about the other end of it.
OWS: What we are talking about when we talk about this R&R is after the transition, after contact with those from above and so after Disclosure, after NESARA is announced, after all of these things. And after you have gone through your ascension process almost to the point where you are entirely finished with this particular part of the ascension. And you will then find yourself in this point. We are not speaking in terms of this early contact you might say that some of you will have where you are connected connecting with the Pleiadian Fleet as you have been talking about. We are not speaking of that. That is not the R&R part. That is still the working part. That is still the Warrior part within you. This is coming after all of this. This is coming when you have moved into the celebrations that we have been speaking of and even after those celebrations. This is all after this.
Q: Wonderful. So we will already have transitioned with those relationships. I understand.
Q: One of our readers from the Internet asks this question. I just joined the group 2 weeks ago. I am not been able to join the live call because I am traveling at the moment. I heard you say Robin Williams is part of our soul group and I am part of the soul group. And if I am what advice would you give me to foster my growth and my greater mission on Earth?
OWS: When you speak of soul group you must understand that this is a very large group that we are speaking of. When we talked about Robin Williams being part of your soul group, this is a very large group here. So your mission and your purpose and all of this is constantly changing. We spoke/talk first about your purpose. Your purpose is always changing. You did not come here with any one purpose that you are following your entire life. You came here with a blueprint that you are following and within that blueprint come your purposes as you are discovering them, as you are remembering that you had made these contracts and all of this. So you are not, your purpose is constantly changing as you move through. Now your mission that you are in right now and many of you have already discovered this mission. Many of you are going to begin to move into your various missions. We speak in terms when we say mission here, we speak about the 144,000 and your connection with Sananda and Sanat Kumara and all of this. And the idea that you have come here to not only awaken yourself but to help more and more of your brethren awaken as well. This is what your mission is. That necessarily does not change until you have completed that mission and then you may be given a new mission. This depends on how everything goes both individually and collectively as a collective consciousness here. Do you understand this? Is this sufficient?
Q: This is in regards to the question that you answered last week. I appreciate you taking the time to answer it but it’s not exactly the question I was asking. What I was curious about is if you would define the term Kumara. We know Sanat Kumara and Sananda is a Kumara. And if you search that’s pretty much all you find out is that those two names are Kumara’s but they don’t tell you what the Kumara is. So is it a title of sorts or is it kind of like a family named? Do all Kumara’s only come from Venus?
OWS: Very good. It is not a last name as you may be thinking here. As Sananda Kumara, that is not his last name. Sanat Kumara: not his last name. You could call it a title if you will. It is a designation that came from the Venus as they are known as the Seven Flame Lords. There are seven Kumaras. The two that you know are the ones that have continued on with this planet to bring the humanity forward here in this particular to this particular transition. They have been with you from the beginning and they are going to be with you right to the end and to the beginning of the next cycle. Okay?
Q: Okay thank you. And then I read something recently that said the 144,000 were Kumaras. Is that true?
OWS: They are the ones that led the 144,000 down. Brought them here.
Q: So as a title then it wouldn’t be applied to the 144,000.
Q: No. You are not all Kumaras. No.
Joanna/Shoshana: Kumara is an attainment of consciousness.
Kumara is a designation of attainment of an extremely high level of consciousness.
OWS: Yes. That is why we say designation. But yes, an attainment. Very good. Similar to the Christ, similar to the Buddha. All of these are attainments or designations.
Q: We often speak about the Ascended Masters and for example it was brought up today that the true birth[day] of Yeshua was March 31st. What I want to know is why we do not discuss the Magdalene energy and the infusion of the feminine into the planet and the significance of that lineage?
OWS: First of all when you are saying we, who is the we here?
Q: This group.
OWS: Then that is something that you can certainly do. It is just simply that this group has also goes by the programming that it has had. And it is always connected to the Yeshua and the Christ energy in that respect. That is not to say that the Magdalene Energy, the feminine energy, the Divine Goddess energy, is not important because it certainly is. It is all about bringing balance. And balance is coming back. So the feminine, the divine energy, the divine feminine energy is coming back. And it is associated with the Magdalene, with the Lady Nada, with Mother Mary, all of this is all a part of this. And the goddesses that you are not even aware of yet that are bringing this energy back as well.
Q: My question is the term archea — as in the feminine aspect of the archangels — is that term is used in the higher vibrations?
OWS: Only to the point that it matters. In terms of if the name matters to you then it is used. If it does not matter it is not used. And for most of the point, when you are in the higher vibrations names are not used in this sense. We are only using names to associate with your level of understanding here and your consciousness level at this point. But when you move up into the higher vibrations the higher dimensions, names are seldom used as you understand it now. It is the vibration that is recognized. You see?
One of the reasons why we as the One Who Serves have never yet given you our associated names here. Why we let go of the name understanding early on and take on the title here of One Who Serves.
Q: Just to emphasize on the titles. It’s not so much rank but a title or a name that given to like the Ashtar Command. And Ashtar is a title. It’s a form of a consciousness high-attuned attainment as well isn’t it?
OWS: Yes but not in the sense that you understand in terms of entitlement or in terms of recognition. It is not so that the one that is what you might call under Ashtar would salute him or anything of this nature. It is not a part of that. It is a part of responsibility. And the Ashtar is responsible for the fleet the Ashtar Command. Just as Sananda is responsible for the working with the Christ energy and so one. You see? So it is based on responsibility not attainment as to title. This is not that way it works at that level. But there is respect. And there is respect both ways. So Ashtar respects all of those that work within his command just as those that work within his command respect him. You see? It is all one.
Q: Yes and he says it’s all by vibration. It’s not the name that is important. You should sense the vibration and frequency and that is how you know us. Now you feel me. He says that all the time. And I get confused with the names and stuff because I don’t feel like the names are important either, these titles and stuff. But deep down I think it’s all it is right, it’s about the vibration and frequency. The name is irrelevant.
OWS: Yes. That is correct. In earlier times names were not used in this respect. The cabal as you understand the cabal they were the ones that introduce this. Introduced rank and all of this. All a part of the militarization of the planet.
Q: Everything that you been saying has been leading to this question about… are you familiar with a work called The Revelatorium?
OWS: Not directly, no. Can you give more information here?
Q: No actually I can’t other than it’s channeled by Father/Mother God and I haven’t read it yet. But I was going to ask if you were familiar with it, could you tell me if it was predominantly accurate or not? Because a lot of things that are being said right now are things that I have seen so far in this work. But I’ll get back to you on it after I’ve read some more.
OWS: Very good.
Joanna/Shoshana: It is accurate to the degree that those that wrote this piece have experienced their lifetimes and their lineage in that way. That is the only way things are accurate for that group. If this resonates with you then it is accurate for you. If it does not it is not.
OWS: Wonderful. Very well said. Now with that we will release channel.
Before we do though, we wish to welcome all those that are new to this program, to this understanding that we are working with here. But know that even though this may be your first time or second time here, you are not new to this. You have been guided. If it is something that works for you that you resonate to, this particular group as a whole, then you will realize that you have been guided here as old souls coming back together again, reuniting again to bring in this New Age of Gaia. We are going to release channel now.
Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.
Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.
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