Title : Ask The Masters, 2018/04/24 ~ Toni and Peter.
link : Ask The Masters, 2018/04/24 ~ Toni and Peter.
Ask The Masters, 2018/04/24 ~ Toni and Peter.
Ask The Masters.
By The Celestial Voices.
Through Toni and Peter.
24th of April, 2018.
A preview of the Masters' for this Tuesday Teachings.
A Finnish woman wonders if two people could switch souls. Not likely, the Masters say, but they do tell us about a rare alternate option.
A woman from the USA asks about kids who seem filled with negativity. The Masters explain how that can happen, though it is not common.
From Brazil comes a question about Earth’s polarity changes. The Masters’ information about magnetic currents should be reassuring for now, even if we might not fully understand it.
A woman from the USA asks about kids who seem filled with negativity. The Masters explain how that can happen, though it is not common.
From Brazil comes a question about Earth’s polarity changes. The Masters’ information about magnetic currents should be reassuring for now, even if we might not fully understand it.
You may read these questions and answers on the Messages page of the Masters' website: http://www.mastersofthespiritworld.com/.
For translations of The Masters' Reincarnation Handbook, click on this link: http://celestialvoicesinc.com/?page_id=24 - or the Bookstore tab on the Masters' website.
Download your free handbook from the Masters in the new French translation or any of the other ELEVEN (so far) languages listed.
Love, Light and Laughter,
Toni and Peter.
Celestial Voices, Inc
The Questions:
Souls switching bodies
QUESTION: Masters I’ve been also wondering if two souls can switch places between two human beings? Like… If there was someone named “Emma” and someone named “Harry”, could suddenly Emma have Harry’s soul and Harry Emma’s? If so, why? And if not, why? ~Siiri, Finland.
ANSWER: Souls plan very carefully for their entry into a human physical body. They set up all the parameters of what they wish to experience, and they cover every aspect of the projected journey by choice. Why, after going to all that difficulty, would they just leave that body and hop into a new one that is experiencing a life about which they have chosen nothing?
Souls have total freedom of choice, so that is not to say that a body switch could not occur, but it would defeat the purpose of all the pre-planning before incarnation. If Emma sees Harry doing something that fascinates her, and she wants to try it, all she has to do is make a record of the factors and incorporate it into her next existence.
If Emma is impatient and wants to have the experience right now, she could try to talk Harry into vacating his body and life so that she might take it over. But what if Harry is in the middle of completing a lesson and doesn’t want to have to start over? He will therefore say “no” and Emma is out of luck, because she cannot force him out of his body.
What does happen on rare occasions is something called a “walk-in,” in which a soul who does not currently have a body enters another’s body. In that instance, the body is being vacated because the owner is returning Home for some reason, and the body would cease to be animated without a soul.
The “walk-in” becomes that person, with whatever family, profession, and human memories they had gathered. This is normally done because the entering soul is in a hurry and does not want to have to go through gestation, childhood, and schooling but wants to jump right to the spot the original soul has achieved.
This is rare because it doesn’t allow the new soul to design as much of the human experience as the usual process does. It also comes with the first soul’s lessons set in play, and any difficulties they had understanding and completing a lesson would direct a large portion of the new soul’s day. It is like a person who has never played rugby being put in as a player in the championship game.
When does a soul become negative?
QUESTION: Masters is every human being born as pure light? Or do some come in as dark humans/souls? I understand that souls come in from light unconditional love without memory to complete their journey, so while they are in a womb and then born do they remain pure light? When entering this earth plane of duality at what point can and do the human and/or soul begin to pick up the dark energies of earth? I have run across many mean children. ~Christina, USA.ANSWER: Negativity exists only on Earth. When a soul is preparing to come into a body for a human experience, it chooses all the circumstances surrounding its human life such as sex, location, propensities for the family, etc., so it prepares the staging for its chosen lessons. If a soul wishes to experience all aspects of negativity, it could have the energy waiting for it at birth.
The soul itself is unconditionally loving energy, so all negativity must come from the physical outside and be attached after entry into the Earth plane, possibly even in the womb or immediately after birth. It is very rare for it to occur in that fashion, but it is possible. Normally, having set up to become enmeshed in negativity, a soul will be born to parents who are negativity lovers themselves.
After birth, the human experience starts with the soul creating a belief system by which it will live. The human who is in an atmosphere of hatred or negativity accepts that that is the way things are, and their beliefs become shrouded in all things negative, including meanness, hatred, disrespect, and betrayal.
Once the beliefs are set, they shape the personality of even a tiny child. Until the person reaches an age at which they are aware of the difference between positive and negative energy – if they ever reach that state – they act based on their beliefs. This is what you have observed. The soul is still unconditionally loving, but the human façade is pure negativity, and it can occur at any age.
In the human society, negativity is the default setting for humanity. Everyone listens to their ego and wants to be better than, richer than, more powerful than everyone else. It is only those studying a spiritual path who recognize the fruitlessness of a negative lifestyle and strive for a positive loving existence. Give the children a chance to see if they can do away with their parents’ beliefs and find goodness.
Earth’s polar shift
QUESTION: Masters, I am grateful for the interaction with you, always very enriching! I have read about the change of polarity on Earth and its effects on earthly lives, especially on animals, with events scheduled for April 2018 and in the near future. I would like to know the opinion of the Masters about these changes on the planet, and so Brazil may be suffering this influence in the face of the current critical situation: violence, hatred, corruption, etc. ~Duda, Brazil.
ANSWER: There have been a number of polar shifts since man inhabited this planet. Instead of the recognizable, to you, magnetic poles being North and South, they shift to East and West or around what is now considered to be the center of the Earth, or equator. During this rotational process, all electrical impulses, which are modulated by magnetic electrical currents on the surface of the planet, cease to exist until they can be reset in their new position.
In the past, this shifting process has taken from 3 to 3 ½ days as time is measured now. Humans and all animal life on the planet operate with electric flashes between brain, muscles, and organ systems. With the cessation of electricity, brains and body systems cannot function and stop working. The body therefore dies, since the electricity needed to regular heart beats isn’t present. This is a purely biological process. It will affect the entire planet if it occurs.
The good news is that the shift that was happening is reversing itself because of the energy sent to heal the Earth by spiritual groups. Also, this shifting is stimulated by negativity on the planet, and since so much negativity is tied up with conflicts between and within countries, the shifting has backed off.
Brazil, Syria, Korea – all these are holding off a polar shift by dealing with the massive amounts of negativity required for their struggles. There is an equal balance of negative and positive energies on the surface, and when so much negativity is involved with discord, the positive is easier to use to balance the physical electrical and magnetic energies.
Reincarnation Guide
Maya from Brazil asks the Masters: I’ve been in a loving relationship for 5 years, we’ve gone through a lot of trials, and a lot of lessons have been learned. At this time, I do not know if I should proceed and continue with the future marriage. I’m afraid I’m being cheated or used. We are trying to save and rebuild our relationship. We are on the right way? Are my fears justified? Will we find peace and happiness together?
Answer: A relationship takes two people, and if he is not concerned about you, nothing will ever work out. He is a manipulator and control freak. Things are all right with him as long as he makes all the decisions and you treat him like a king. If this is what you see as a future, then rush into this marriage. If you honor your own opinions and decisions, don’t be in such a hurry until you see if he is really willing to change and establish a sharing partnership.
Answer: A relationship takes two people, and if he is not concerned about you, nothing will ever work out. He is a manipulator and control freak. Things are all right with him as long as he makes all the decisions and you treat him like a king. If this is what you see as a future, then rush into this marriage. If you honor your own opinions and decisions, don’t be in such a hurry until you see if he is really willing to change and establish a sharing partnership.
Lata from India asks the Masters: My spiritual master had sent me to a past-life regression therapist five years ago as I was not able to sleep due to so many traumatic past glimpses, the treatment was too costly and I could not afford due to lack of job, I did five sessions only but my spiritual guide wanted to pay huge fees to doctor so that I could be healed totally, it was going in lakhs and I refused treatment, later slowly over five years I have healed through meditation sittings, after one year my guide passed away, I still feel pain to not understand what He wanted the world to know about spirit world through me as a medium, I channeled so much about role of Masters in human evolution.
Answer: Your spiritual guide saw you as a source to learn things that you could channel and he could not. You had a special ability and connection with the spirit world. He thought that until you were able to clear away the things that were holding you back, he would be unable to use you to learn. His motive was his own enlightenment and not necessarily your growth. When you have an ability such as this, you have to be careful of the motives of those who constantly try to use your connections. Now the choice is yours. You may use your ability to gather the wisdom of the Masters to share with others, or just use it to understand things for yourself, or stop using the ability altogether.
Answer: Your spiritual guide saw you as a source to learn things that you could channel and he could not. You had a special ability and connection with the spirit world. He thought that until you were able to clear away the things that were holding you back, he would be unable to use you to learn. His motive was his own enlightenment and not necessarily your growth. When you have an ability such as this, you have to be careful of the motives of those who constantly try to use your connections. Now the choice is yours. You may use your ability to gather the wisdom of the Masters to share with others, or just use it to understand things for yourself, or stop using the ability altogether.
Heitor from Brazil asks the Masters: I work with music for a long time and I had some plans and dreams that is happening, but since I broke up with a girl I’ve been tired of this work. a lot has happened, and I am very much between motivation and lack of motivation. I tried to motivate myself by doing other things, but I cannot until I get rid of other work. It’s like I just can do one thing, pretty much because the schedule in music use to be crazy. I don’t know if just let happen or control.
Answer: Simply put, you are depressed because you feel your expectations will never be met since you had such a bad experience in your love life. Stop trying to control everything that happens around you. You are using so much energy trying to cause others to do as you believe it should be done that you don’t really have enough time for your projects. Relax. Be aware of the world in which you are working and let the rest of the world just flow by you. Just be sure to keep your eyes peeled for opportunities.
Answer: Simply put, you are depressed because you feel your expectations will never be met since you had such a bad experience in your love life. Stop trying to control everything that happens around you. You are using so much energy trying to cause others to do as you believe it should be done that you don’t really have enough time for your projects. Relax. Be aware of the world in which you are working and let the rest of the world just flow by you. Just be sure to keep your eyes peeled for opportunities.
Cheryl from the US asks the Masters: I was blessed with two beautiful daughters, but one has been estranged for several years, and I'm afraid I may lose my youngest one due to similar circumstances. I've worked extremely hard since becoming a teenage mother and living off of welfare. I was able to graduate college, own a nice house, and provide for both of my girls. My children are my "rock". I've come a long way, and it's been a difficult path....but I can't understand why bad things keep happening? What lesson is it that I am supposed to get from this ongoing pain?
Answer: You should be congratulated for all the work you have done, but this has placed a very difficult future in front of your daughters. They are not you and do not have the drive that is a part of you. They have tried to live up to your expectations but find it impossible. The difficulties came from your chosen life lessons and have not been chosen by them. Let them determine their own way. As much as you would like them to emulate your initiative, it is not their path, and that is what is driving them away.
Answer: You should be congratulated for all the work you have done, but this has placed a very difficult future in front of your daughters. They are not you and do not have the drive that is a part of you. They have tried to live up to your expectations but find it impossible. The difficulties came from your chosen life lessons and have not been chosen by them. Let them determine their own way. As much as you would like them to emulate your initiative, it is not their path, and that is what is driving them away.
Sara from Portugal asks the Masters: I'm 42, and I am still confused about my mission in this life. I want and need to change my life, but I don't know if I should try law or communication studies. I can't hear my intuition.
Answer: You can’t hear because you are not allowing yourself to do so. A mission is something about which you can become passionate. It is something that only you can determine, and it may change over time. Visualize yourself in the various professions that appeal to you and see how you feel. Those feelings are your intuition.
Answer: You can’t hear because you are not allowing yourself to do so. A mission is something about which you can become passionate. It is something that only you can determine, and it may change over time. Visualize yourself in the various professions that appeal to you and see how you feel. Those feelings are your intuition.
Anabela from Portugal asks the Masters: I was doing an energetic and spiritual process with the person with whom I would like to come to work more. This project collapsed. Was it my fault? I stabbed her in the back, as she told me? Will I be able to fulfill my purpose of work?
Answer: Energetically there is a large gap between where you are spiritually and where she is. She is not as advanced as you. The project failed because she could not provide the necessary energy to match what you brought out. Her ego will not let her admit that the failure was caused by her, so she placed the blame on you. She is afraid of you, so that will probably prevent her from choosing you to join her. Send love to the situation and her, and see if she can recognize what she needs to correct.
Answer: Energetically there is a large gap between where you are spiritually and where she is. She is not as advanced as you. The project failed because she could not provide the necessary energy to match what you brought out. Her ego will not let her admit that the failure was caused by her, so she placed the blame on you. She is afraid of you, so that will probably prevent her from choosing you to join her. Send love to the situation and her, and see if she can recognize what she needs to correct.
Gisele from Brazil asks the Masters: I am alone, after two marriages. I have a son, and my marriage finished while I was pregnant. Today, I am alone and I do not have a career. What is my goal in this life? I do not know my purpose. I live for my son, only. He is very kind with me and my life is to take care of him. I am 48 years old.
Answer: You are not alone, because you have your son and the universe available to you. You do not love yourself for all the difficulties you have overcome, so that makes it impossible to connect with the nonphysical world for companionship. It is time for you to decide what else you wish to do with yourself in this life. What interests you? What have you only dreamed about doing? Time to look into expanding who you are.
Answer: You are not alone, because you have your son and the universe available to you. You do not love yourself for all the difficulties you have overcome, so that makes it impossible to connect with the nonphysical world for companionship. It is time for you to decide what else you wish to do with yourself in this life. What interests you? What have you only dreamed about doing? Time to look into expanding who you are.
Claudia from Portugal asks the Masters: I would like to know what my life purpose is, how can I serve God's purpose and to get advice in the love area because sometimes I feel that I have chosen to walk alone in this incarnation although I never really feel alone.
Answer: It is only society that insists everyone has to be partnered up with someone to be happy. You have discovered that the universe is always there to accompany you through this life. Your purpose, as with every soul who comes to Earth, is to discover who you are as a soul and what powers and abilities you may use to learn as much as possible while here. “God” hasn’t made any plans for you; that is your job. Continue to love yourself and see what opportunities come your way.
Answer: It is only society that insists everyone has to be partnered up with someone to be happy. You have discovered that the universe is always there to accompany you through this life. Your purpose, as with every soul who comes to Earth, is to discover who you are as a soul and what powers and abilities you may use to learn as much as possible while here. “God” hasn’t made any plans for you; that is your job. Continue to love yourself and see what opportunities come your way.
Spring from Finland asks the Masters: I love my work and I just want to expand and develop on the spiritual side. Environment sucks me and I cannot use creativity freely. Is it time to change jobs or wait peacefully yet?
Answer: Each soul creates their own reality by the choices they make. You are drawn to a situation so that you might learn from it. Once you understand the circumstances and feel you can’t grow any more, you must decide to move on or use it as a stepping stone to something else. To expand you need additional, or new, environments. This can be accomplished by changing jobs or doing things outside the job in your free time.
Bela from Brazil asks the Masters: First of all I thank you, I feel more and more open to the universe and its wonders. My question today is regarding a man I met years ago, I feel his energy and he resurfaced back to my life despite the distance. Does he feel me, too? Or am I fantasizing? I wish he was very happy our call, at least for my part, was very transparent. Was it just a date or was it to meet us?
Answer: You are making a lot more out of this than this man is. He enjoyed your contact in the past and wanted to see what was going on with you now. He is in transition with his love life and craves intimacy with someone. Listen to what he is saying and feel the true meaning behind his words. He is confused right now and hopes to soothe his wounds.
Answer: Each soul creates their own reality by the choices they make. You are drawn to a situation so that you might learn from it. Once you understand the circumstances and feel you can’t grow any more, you must decide to move on or use it as a stepping stone to something else. To expand you need additional, or new, environments. This can be accomplished by changing jobs or doing things outside the job in your free time.
Bela from Brazil asks the Masters: First of all I thank you, I feel more and more open to the universe and its wonders. My question today is regarding a man I met years ago, I feel his energy and he resurfaced back to my life despite the distance. Does he feel me, too? Or am I fantasizing? I wish he was very happy our call, at least for my part, was very transparent. Was it just a date or was it to meet us?
Answer: You are making a lot more out of this than this man is. He enjoyed your contact in the past and wanted to see what was going on with you now. He is in transition with his love life and craves intimacy with someone. Listen to what he is saying and feel the true meaning behind his words. He is confused right now and hopes to soothe his wounds.
Astha from India asks the Masters: What is the cause of so much negativity, anger, depression and ill health in our house? Is there a negative entity here or attached to me, my mother or anyone else?
Answer: Your mother likes negativity because it keeps her company when no one else is around. When one caters to negativity, it grows in size since it attracts more to come join it. It loves misery, hence the ill health, anger, and depression. Talk with your mother about her inner desires. When you sense the attachment taking control and making demands, point it out to her and see if she wants you to help her remove it. If she clings to the negative, you will not be able to depose it.
Pa from Brazil asks the Masters: Why do I feel so afraid? and especially of people? it crashes my thoughts, my actions ... everything!
Answer: You lack self-confidence and have always relied upon others to make your decisions for you, and they have not worked out to be something you have been comfortable with. On one hand you don’t want to take the responsibility of making decisions, but you also don’t trust anyone to do it for you – this has created a fear that others are using you and making fun of you. To keep this from happening, you are now avoiding people.
Divva from India asks the Masters: Is it a wise decision to wait for more year to get into the ivy league college that I dream about or should I just settle for the one I am getting this year.
Answer: You have freedom of choice, but it is wise to consider all the implications of the choices. Waiting may get you into your school of choice, but the intermediate time will be wasted. Starting in another school right now, and then applying to transfer in the future, will allow you to start on your way to a career without any lost time. You have to feel what resonates with you and determine what your ultimate goal is.
Answer: Your mother likes negativity because it keeps her company when no one else is around. When one caters to negativity, it grows in size since it attracts more to come join it. It loves misery, hence the ill health, anger, and depression. Talk with your mother about her inner desires. When you sense the attachment taking control and making demands, point it out to her and see if she wants you to help her remove it. If she clings to the negative, you will not be able to depose it.
Pa from Brazil asks the Masters: Why do I feel so afraid? and especially of people? it crashes my thoughts, my actions ... everything!
Answer: You lack self-confidence and have always relied upon others to make your decisions for you, and they have not worked out to be something you have been comfortable with. On one hand you don’t want to take the responsibility of making decisions, but you also don’t trust anyone to do it for you – this has created a fear that others are using you and making fun of you. To keep this from happening, you are now avoiding people.
Divva from India asks the Masters: Is it a wise decision to wait for more year to get into the ivy league college that I dream about or should I just settle for the one I am getting this year.
Answer: You have freedom of choice, but it is wise to consider all the implications of the choices. Waiting may get you into your school of choice, but the intermediate time will be wasted. Starting in another school right now, and then applying to transfer in the future, will allow you to start on your way to a career without any lost time. You have to feel what resonates with you and determine what your ultimate goal is.
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from provided links.
Tanks to Celestial Voices, Inc <contact@mastersofthespiritworld.com>
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