Title : Ask The Masters, 2018/02/27 ~ Toni and Peter.
link : Ask The Masters, 2018/02/27 ~ Toni and Peter.
Ask The Masters, 2018/02/27 ~ Toni and Peter.
Ask The Masters.
By The Celestial Voices.
Through Toni and Peter.
27th of February, 2018.
A preview of the Masters' for this Tuesday Teachings.
A UK widower who, with his late wife, worked as a medium, seems confused about how he is now being guided. The Masters’ answer should help clarify things for him.
A Brazilian woman cannot understand the advice she has received about clearing the past. Perhaps the Masters’ explanation will provide the key.
Can we really look forward to a “Golden Age” on Earth? The Masters explain that concept to a Canadian man and provide guidance about setting up one’s own belief systems.
You may read these questions and answers on the Messages page of the Masters' website: http://www.mastersofthespiritworld.com/.
For translations of The Masters' Reincarnation Handbook, click on this link: http://celestialvoicesinc.com/?page_id=24 - or the Bookstore tab on the Masters' website.
Download your free handbook from the Masters in the new French translation or any of the other ELEVEN (so far) languages listed.
Love, Light and Laughter,
Toni and Peter.
Celestial Voices, Inc <contact@mastersofthespiritworld.com>
It is with mixed emotions that we announce the peaceful transition of our beloved Peter Watson Jenkins. His soul left his failing physical body on November 15, 2017, and returned to the unconditional love of Source energy. However, we know it is still hanging around to advise and comfort those of us who miss his physical presence.
We are planning a celebration of Peter’s life in the Chicago area sometime in February or March 2018 and will post details when we have them. Meanwhile, we will be setting up a page on MastersOfTheSpiritWorld.com on which anyone may share how Peter impacted them through his writings, his ministry, his hypnotherapy, and his self-help recordings. These messages will be made available to those attending the celebration.
In Memoriam

It is with mixed emotions that we announce the peaceful transition of our beloved Peter Watson Jenkins. His soul left his failing physical body on November 15, 2017, and returned to the unconditional love of Source energy. However, we know it is still hanging around to advise and comfort those of us who miss his physical presence.
We are planning a celebration of Peter’s life in the Chicago area sometime in February or March 2018 and will post details when we have them. Meanwhile, we will be setting up a page on MastersOfTheSpiritWorld.com on which anyone may share how Peter impacted them through his writings, his ministry, his hypnotherapy, and his self-help recordings. These messages will be made available to those attending the celebration.
Peter we miss your physical presence already!
The Questions:
What does “being guided” mean?
QUESTION: Masters, my wife and I worked together as Clairvoyant mediums for over twenty years until her passing in 2014. I have felt since Peggy passed away that my life has been guided by spirit and not always in the most pleasant of ways, choosing where I am living and who I am meeting and also when reading books, I have paragraphs and chapters highlighted as the ones that I should be reading and Invariably the books are exactly what I need. I have been aware of spirit telling me to slow down and to not take any actions in life that would change my situation. They say that I am in the right place and what I need to do will come to me in good time. I have been told that I am being lovingly and firmly guided. As time has passed I wonder if I am letting my subconscious mind deceive me. What is your view point of my situation? ~Graham, United Kingdom.
ANSWER: During the time that you functioned as a voice for the Other Side, they believed that you wished to hear from them for the assistance they could provide to your clients. They assumed that once you separated from that activity, you were ready to move on to something else. But, since you had worked so closely together, they remained as part of your team handling life issues – now, for you alone.
No guide, master, or soul spirit can tell you what to do, make decisions for you, punish or reward you for your activities unless you have given them permission. Even with this allowance in place, you have freedom of choice and can ignore the advice, just say no, or argue/discuss alternatives whenever you wish.
The over-riding activity they would like you to see as beneficial is to slow down, since you are in new territory, so that you can completely “feel” the options available. For all the years you worked with your wife and them, you were on accepting auto-pilot. It is now enrichment time, and the choices and direction are up to you.
At all times a soul is exactly where it needs to be to experience what it has chosen. You have the possibility of using and expanding your connection to spirit, if you so choose, or decreasing the number of suggestions from them and going it more alone from now on.
Your subconscious is not making the decisions; it is your conscious mind that directs you. Your communication with spirit has always come through as a knowing that appears to be your subconscious, but it is not. It will feel like a deception only if the decisions do not resonate with you. As they say, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, turn a molehill into a mountain, or make things more difficult than they have to be.
Peggy has joined the “team” so some of the apparent “pushing” is coming from her.
The past is not the present
QUESTION: Masters, many therapists tell me that I need to forget the past to be happy in love, but I honestly do not know what the past speaks of. I’ve done countless therapies to get rid of this past but, by the way, without success. There is nothing and no one I miss, I do not see that I have unresolved loves. I always do exercises of self-love and feel that I am evolving because I feel loved by myself, I like everything in me. I would just like to meet someone compatible with my lifestyle. Please, what is the past that I must set free? ~Ella, Brasil.
ANSWER: The secret past of which they speak is what has created your interpretation of your identity at this time. This is mainly composed of expectations to which you cling because you have determined that these are the ultimate characteristics you feel you will accept in a mate.
To resolve your issues, you must examine this person who has garnered your love. Is it someone you aspire to be? Or is it just an acceptance of the person your soul inhabits? A part of that person right now is judgmental and demanding. They are firm in their belief that everything they believe in is the only thing that will be acceptable and that there is no room for compromise or sharing.
These strong feelings come from the past, the near and the far. They are ideals contributed by this life from your observations, and by past lives from unfinished lessons. They don’t all deal with romance and love but rather control, betrayal, and unfulfilled desires.
The solution to your future is living every minute in the present, with absolutely no preconceived opinions about men who enter your world. You can’t know whether a pair of shoes will be comfortable until you try them on, so don’t pre-judge compatibility until you spend time with someone. And then be open and don’t limit their connectivity by your judgment of what you think they are going to say or do. Give everyone a clean slate to fill in on their own.
“The Golden Age”
QUESTION: Masters for years I have been reading channeled messages by the Archangels, Ascended Masters etc. promising us the “Golden Age”. To date, much has been promised, but very little delivered. It is the carrot at the end of the stick. And the more I read, the more contradictions appear in the messages. Other non-dualistic messages claim that there will never be Golden Age or Heaven on Earth because the collective consciousness is in a state of perpetual conflict. I have the impression that we are being manipulated, deceived. ~Mario, Canada.
ANSWER: Anybody can say anything they want. Anyone can claim to be delivering messages from any source they choose. Some channelers have agendas wherein they seek to become the authority and/or guru for others, the expert on “The Truth” about everything. They propose that “because they have a connection” you must believe exactly what they are saying and nothing else. In other words, do not let any doubts that you have take you away from their program. And definitely, do not follow your feelings.
The soul, when in the body of a human, must decide what they accept as reality for themselves. This is done by accepting various beliefs by which they will judge how their life is progressing and how they want it to continue. This belief system is unique to each individual and may change at any time when the person loses faith in one accepted fact and substitutes something else instead because it resonates more closely with their feelings at the moment.
A soul having a human experience lives in a dualistic world. They have come to Earth to experience this phenomenon and to use it to find out who they are as a soul – which is a piece of Source energy with amazing powers and abilities – by making determinations concerning the negativity that surrounds them.
If one concentrates on the physical aspects of their life – that is, living in the duality where judgment determines everything, and feelings are not to be trusted – they live for the ego and rate, grade, and judge everything. If they choose a spiritual path, seeking to unite with their essential unconditional love, they will merely observe the world and those in it, making no judgments and bringing into their reality only what resonates with them.
The Earth is a duality with an equal amount of positive and negative. For that reason, there cannot be total evil (hell) or total unconditional love (heaven). Earth is not going to change from this characteristic, and therefore, there will be no Golden Age. Since every soul has freedom of choice, no one can promise that anything will be a certain way in your reality since you have to choose the particulars.
Take even what we have said here today and accept it as your truth only if it feels right to you, if it resonates with your being. Use that as a yardstick for developing your beliefs and growing in enlightenment.
Reincarnation Guide
Lina from Brazil asks the Masters: Could you please tell me what learning experiences I chose to do here? I am 64 years old and I still feel floating in life.
Answer: You, as did every other soul, came to Earth to understand who you are as a soul and what powers and abilities that allows you to possess. During this time, you have worked through a number of life lessons where you made choices that gave you more understanding. You have finished almost all your chosen lessons, and the sense of floating is that you can explore and see if there is something you would like to try out while you are still here. Just go with the flow of the universe, enjoy your remaining time, and find your happiness.
Marilia from Brazil asks the Masters: I have a relationship with a British man for almost 7 years. He cannot be with me because he made a compromise with his mother who is sick and old. I love him but will we be together soon? I am worried because he will marry me only after his mother dies? He is full career about her. He is honest in this relationship with me?
Answer: You are being played by a man who does not make his own decisions but allows others, in this case his mother, to decide what he should do. His mother is a control freak, and he relishes being controlled. He doesn’t like to take any responsibility for his future, so he lets others tell him what to do. His love for you is only important when he is with you and he can let you make a lot of the choices. He doesn’t know what he wants, or what he needs, so he can’t understand his feelings for you. If you want a sharing relationship, you will not get it with him.
Lilian from Brazil asks the Masters: Please help me understand what is going on between my mother and my brother’s fiancé. I know my brother has a low self-esteem and his fiancé takes advantage of it. The situation infuriates my mother in ways I have never seen before. Can you give us advice about what is happening and how to deal with it?
Answer: Your mother has been the source of information and character formation for your brother all his life. Now, this woman is coming in and usurping her power and she is jealous. We would like to say that your mother is afraid of the manipulation of your brother, but that is exactly what she has been doing unconsciously all these years. This all centers around a lesson for your brother and an understanding that he has freedom of choice, which he has never exercised. Talk to your brother about his feelings, about his wants and desires. See if he understands that he does not have to continue being a ping-pong ball bouncing back and forth between others’ wills. He can create his own reality.
AJ from the US asks the Masters: The Star Wars movies have introduced us to the idea of “the force” that is energy that connects all of us. It can be used for good or bad and can be powerful. I’m curious, can we learn something from this idea? Did masters help cultivate this idea into human consciousness?
Answer: “The force” we refer to is the unconditional love of Source of which we all are composed, and which connects us all. In the movies it can be used for good or evil; in the universe it can only be used for positive things. This idea breeches the surface of understanding who you are as a soul and how all souls came from, and return to, the same Source energy. There is a constant exchange of ideas between the physical and nonphysical worlds. Many principles of metaphysics find their way into movies and novels from these interactions.
Kamilla from Brazil asks the Masters: I was engaged 5 years, we were happy, for work he moved away, I could not stand the distance and I finished, he asked me to marry and change with him, I was afraid and I was not, he was hurt he did not want me anymore and he was dating 6 months ago Another girl, I was very sad I tried to date another person, I could not. one day at church asking God to take it from my heart I think I had a vision, I saw myself coming out from inside my heart with the wings of an angel, then I was there with him our dog happy and a very strong light appeared with the shape of a star or flower. What was it? I'm crazy what do I do?
Answer: Your vision shows what life you can have. The fact that your ex-fiancé was in it does not necessarily mean that he is the only one you can marry. He appeared because he was the only one with which you had shared a dream. Stop trying to orchestrate your life and just let it happen.
Alexandra from Portugal asks the Masters: I have always been healthy, now I have many pains in the bones and joints. Is this created by me in the subconscious or is the natural aging? Can I self-heal if I practice daily Reiki and yoga? or only resort to traditional medicine?
[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Their observations are spirit-based and concern life lessons. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]
Answer: Most of your problems have to do with the natural aging process and the changes that have occurred naturally as you have aged. Your body is not as tolerant of certain activities and you must learn what it likes. Gentle, soft body movements such as yoga and tai chi will help let you sense the direction your body is taking. Reiki will also help in that it aids in moving blockages that cause discomfort. One thing that is very important is to move, regardless of the amount of pain you find yourself in, otherwise the body believes you want to continue feeling as you do.
Silvia from Brazil asks the Masters: I have been in a lovely journey to get to know myself and now I’m looking for my mission in life and a fulfilling job. I have always loved architecture, but I feel like I’m done with it. Is it time for me to shift? (to professional sailing, or arts), or is it a problem with responsibilities and obligations that make everything less magic and super energy-draining? How do I meet my calling so that I serve happily and with the full potential that I know I have?
Answer: No one can determine for you what you decided you wanted to specialize in during this life. Your feelings and the way things resonate with you are your only pointers to what will make you happy. Yes, if you have committed yourself to physical obligations, that can delay the time for you to just be yourself. Again, only you can make that determination – no one else knows what you desire. There is no one thing that you wanted in this life, so you may change several times and enjoy each one of them while you are doing them.
Shweta from Australia asks the Masters: Am struggling with skepticism about my experiences with meditation and hearing an inner voice or messages from spirit guides. Also, struggling to understand my relationship with my partner, he seems to be a trigger that brings out all my fears and negative patterns. What is the lesson here I am not getting?
Answer: You are not trusting what you are feeling. Your partner is a manipulator and control freak and loves the feel of negativity. His negative energy draws additional negativity, and that makes you feel uncomfortable. Cover yourself in white, loving light, and send the negativity away. Your problem with believing in messages from your guides and higher self is that they conflict with the way you have allowed yourself to be controlled. If this is what you want, ignore them and listen to physical others. Also, believe and follow what resonates with you.
Navara from Brazil asks the Masters: Why can't I relate with my brother and my mother, they are so cruel with me, and I’m very tired to try?
Answer: The actions of others can impact you if, and only if, you believe that they should. Why do you think you deserve to be treated as you perceive they treat you? If you don’t feel you have warranted this behavior, ignore it and let it flow right past you without any influence. Send them love energy that they will understand what their actions are doing to you.
Gunna from the US asks the Masters: I just broke up with a man I still loved, but I did not like the way he treated me. We did not live together. I still miss him, 3 months later. I would like to know if we will never talk or see each other again?
Answer: You, and he, have freedom of choice in all things. What you do is up to you, including whether you let him continue to abuse you. Right now, he is a known factor for you, so you cling to it. You can bring another, more loving and sharing, person into your life. Learn to love yourself and demand to be treated with love.
Viraj from India asks the Masters: I just want to know if my dear mother is happy in the spirit world and how is her life there.
Answer: The soul that was your mother has returned to the unconditional love of Source energy and is rejoined with other souls, both from this lifetime and others. She is still acclimating to being back home.
Christopher from the US asks the Masters: Have I ever been raped?
Answer: You were raped in prior lives, both when you were female and when you were male. This energy of fear and being dominated is very strong in you and influences your interactions with others. You need to explore the intensity of this emotion to diminish its impact. Try in meditation and possibly in hypnosis. Energy healers can also help release the hold it has on your psyche
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from provided links.
Tanks to Celestial Voices, Inc <contact@mastersofthespiritworld.com>
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