Title : Ask The Masters, 2018/02/06 ~ Toni and Peter.
link : Ask The Masters, 2018/02/06 ~ Toni and Peter.
Ask The Masters, 2018/02/06 ~ Toni and Peter.
Ask The Masters.
By The Celestial Voices.
Through Toni and Peter.
6th of February, 2018.
A preview of the Masters' for this Tuesday Teachings.
An always perplexing topic is raised by a Canadian woman asking how multiple lives can exist at once. The Masters deliver an answer that is at once illuminating and, nevertheless, still befuddling. We humans are indeed limited in our understanding!
Aliens are perpetually interesting to us, and a UK man wonders about their history with Earth and their possible presence among us. The Masters explain a few things about both issues.
Those pesky life lessons! An American woman's unsuccessful attempt at healing chronic pain is, say the Masters, related to past-life negativity that she must ferret out and deal with.
You may read these questions and answers on the Messages page of the Masters' website: http://www.mastersofthespiritworld.com/.
For translations of The Masters' Reincarnation Handbook, click on this link: http://celestialvoicesinc.com/?page_id=24 - or the Bookstore tab on the Masters' website.
Download your free handbook from the Masters in the new French translation or any of the other ELEVEN (so far) languages listed.
Love, Light and Laughter,
Toni and Peter.
Celestial Voices, Inc <contact@mastersofthespiritworld.com>
It is with mixed emotions that we announce the peaceful transition of our beloved Peter Watson Jenkins. His soul left his failing physical body on November 15, 2017, and returned to the unconditional love of Source energy. However, we know it is still hanging around to advise and comfort those of us who miss his physical presence.
We are planning a celebration of Peter’s life in the Chicago area sometime in February or March 2018 and will post details when we have them. Meanwhile, we will be setting up a page on MastersOfTheSpiritWorld.com on which anyone may share how Peter impacted them through his writings, his ministry, his hypnotherapy, and his self-help recordings. These messages will be made available to those attending the celebration.
In Memoriam

It is with mixed emotions that we announce the peaceful transition of our beloved Peter Watson Jenkins. His soul left his failing physical body on November 15, 2017, and returned to the unconditional love of Source energy. However, we know it is still hanging around to advise and comfort those of us who miss his physical presence.
We are planning a celebration of Peter’s life in the Chicago area sometime in February or March 2018 and will post details when we have them. Meanwhile, we will be setting up a page on MastersOfTheSpiritWorld.com on which anyone may share how Peter impacted them through his writings, his ministry, his hypnotherapy, and his self-help recordings. These messages will be made available to those attending the celebration.
Peter we miss your physical presence already!
The Questions:
Where am I in time and space?
QUESTION: Masters I’m seeking explanation to get my head around the topic of Multi-dimensional selves & simultaneous time. Linear time is fading, and the time space continuum needs understanding. If all times are happening at once (past/present/future is only a measurement on Earth) then how can one aspect of myself be at home calling my kids (as they both heard me) and another aspect of myself was out shopping/not home? if all lives exist at once so realities are parallel even afterlife so-as you heal one it affects others? Just seeking comprehension. ~Jen, CANADA.
ANSWER: Science, physics in particular, describes where all human beings can be located in terms of three spatial coordinates (length, width, and depth) and one temporal coordinate (time). Many call this the space-time continuum. It is shared with other interested participants as a mathematical model or equation and referred to as a four-dimensional continuum. The point measured is called the event or location of the subject.
As you can see, everything that has just been discussed is physical, but much more affects souls than just the “event” in which their body is engaged. An aware soul having that human experience may also be in connection with its nonphysical, amorphous, soul essence. Wherever the soul places its focus is what the human mind becomes conscious of, whether it is occurring in the presence of their current physical body or is something about which they have wisdom in another “time” or experience.
In your case, you were out shopping, but for a moment your whole consciousness thought about your children and what they were doing. You psychically called out to their souls and they heard your call. No one else in the physical world would have been aware of this message transmitted through the ether. It also would not be able to be tracked by mathematical methods since it occurred outside of any physical dimension.
Lives are not all parallel as they have a beginning, middle, and end. Some are short, and some are long. They are like movies that may be playing simultaneously but each has its own story and doesn’t interfere with another. While most of these lives are independent of others, a few are a continuing story or sequel to another, such as a life that is undertaken to work out an incomplete lesson from a different life.
When a sequel occurs, and the lesson gets completed or understood, it severs the ties to the creating life but doesn’t change the facts concerning the actions that carried over. All these concepts are confused by your limited Earth knowledge, which has not experienced these things and therefore cannot consider them when trying to explain the results of their use.
Aliens amongst us.
QUESTION: Masters please help to clarify some of the issues you have raised about aliens in the past. You have stated that several alien nations protected the earth from damaging energy bursts from the sun. When was that and what made them decide to intervene. You have also said that there are some aliens on earth at the present time. You say that some are here for the ‘big show’ and others have infiltrated positions of power. Are they aliens disguised as humans or are they here in spirit form so we can’t see them? Do they try to make contact with governments? I understand there is no ‘galactic conspiracy’ but what is their motivation? ~Arthur, UK.
ANSWER: Souls who come to Earth to experience the duality of positive and negative energies, and the peculiarities of figuring out what you intended to learn, make good viewing for souls who are having lives in other, non-dual, existences. In addition to those who are in some type of covering such as a body or other structure, there are those souls who are just observing in their natural state of amorphous energy.
Those not in a physical form cannot interfere or make contact with human beings in a physical way that could assist them. Some of those in a type of covering have the mental capacity to communicate with humans without the need to be seen or to be in close proximity.
The human race is not as advanced as the occupants of other planets. Most of those occupants feel like guardians who wish the Earth to remain a place where life lessons may be examined. When they have observed inhabitants destroying the Earth, or other natural substances such as the sun about to impact the population, they have stepped in.
Several times over the last decades, eruptions on the sun have sent bursts of energy toward the Earth that would have killed people and destroyed a lot of advanced technology. A group of self-appointed guardians “caught” the energy on the way to Earth and dispelled it so that civilization was not regressed. If you remember back in the ’50s and ’60s, radio and electronic communications were being disrupted by these “sun spots” – and then suddenly, they stopped and were not mentioned again.
Some souls who started out on alien planets, after watching for a while, have chosen to “walk in” to a body whose soul was about to return Home and have taken over as a human. These souls have infiltrated many positions on the planet. Curiosity and learning about living in a duality is their only motivation.
A few alien species have attempted to contact governments to offer assistance but have been rebuffed. They wander around watching to see what humankind will do next.
Dealing with life lessons.
QUESTION: Masters, I have been dealing with chronic debilitating nerve pain. A cousin recommended a healer that helped her and her husband with several health issues. The healer thought my nerve pain was due to a dysfunction in my stomach. He recommended a plant supplement, maca. This removed my pain for several weeks, but the pain returned. I had many long-distance healing sessions with him, but my nerve pain remained. He had known many things about me that he could not have researched. So, I was surprised that I didn’t receive healing. May I ask, what went wrong in this situation? ~Anne, USA.
[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Their observations are spirit-based and concern life lessons. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]
ANSWER: A number of things have occurred here. First, you are dealing with a life lesson in which it is up to you to figure out why your unconscious believes you need to experience this pain. Hint: it has to do with guilt from some of your actions in a past life where you inflicted pain on others. Second, you have had difficulties with your body integrating nutrition, and that is why the maca worked only until your life lesson overpowered it. Be kind to your body.
When you have a powerful lesson and try to circumvent it by finding some way to cope with the alert signs in another fashion, your unconscious higher self will not let you just ignore it. At first, it thinks maybe you are dealing with the warning signs so that the problem is easier to see, but then when you don’t attack the initial cause, it helps reinforce the issue.
This is a spiritual, or life-learning journey, puzzle. The way to approach understanding is to ask yourself each time the pain appears: What is it that I am feeling deep inside? What am I fixated on? Go beneath the physical sensations themselves into the mental, emotional body. If a picture, a saying, a memory pops up, follow it to its origin.
Finding the causative action may happen during a deep meditation, a brief flashback, a déjà vu experience, or under hypnosis. Examining your state of mind at the time of the initial incident will allow you to see what has stuck around to cause you this reaction today. You need to examine forgiveness for yourself, removal of guilt, and other issues such as betrayal and abandonment.
The pain is like a ringing telephone. The noise is to get your attention and have you answer the call to see what you might be missing. Find the connections, understand them, and then you can reset your body to stop being a signaling device.
Reincarnation Guide
Priscilla from Brazil asks the Masters: Why am I not attracted to children? Have I ever experienced being a mother in past lives? And why do I dislike my husband's family, even considering them good people and liking them?
Answer: You create your own understanding of interactions between people. You are asking if it is all right to have feelings other than those you think you should have because of the rules of society. The answer is that you are who you chose to be, and you don’t have to mimic or be like anyone else. Not liking something or someone is a personal choice, just like your taste in foods and music. Lighten up on yourself.
Heitor from Brazil asks the Masters: I have to live anonymously because of karma?
Answer: You create your own reality in life. Karma is a human characteristic only appearing within the duality of Earth. Whether you accept that karma is part of your reality is up to you. How you see yourself, and allow others to see you, is up to the decisions you choose. Create your world as you desire it to exist.
Guida from Brazil asks the Masters: My husband, Jose very, very often dream with his dad Mario Machado that died ten years ago. Why it happened? What can he do?
Answer: Your husband’s father is trying to make sure he is doing well and is having a good life. Mario feels he was not the type of father he would have liked to be, so he is sticking around to offer assistance now. Your husband can reassure his father that he is taking good care of himself and his family and that he can now move on with love.
Lua from Brazil asks the Masters: I found my soul mate. A huge love happened. But he is married and has chosen to stay with his wife and family because he thinks he should solve his karma. And I suffered again for love, but I decided to move on and accept that if that was his choice, it's because he might not love me that much; or maybe it's another test for me to finally learn love me and give value to who really wants to be with me; or maybe it's time to release this love and move on to another. Why did our paths intersect? It was not for me to suffer.
Answer: You are a romantic who desperately wants to be loved, so you create a fiction – ”he is my soul mate” – to justify why you allow him to use, abuse, and reject you. He is using his family, which he never had any intention of leaving, to get you off his back because you were starting to get clingy and asking too many questions. First, he is not a soul mate, only an opportunist. You set yourself up for these situations where you are abandoned since you never have your eyes open when a man you think you like appears in front of you. Next time, be totally aware of what is going on. Make sure the man is available for a lasting relationship. Make sure he wants a commitment, and make sure he likes you before you throw yourself at him.
Ria from the Philippines asks the Masters: What is your opinion with regards to Angelica Zambrano's testimony? Is it real or hoax? I hope you could answer my question.
Answer: Many souls have been contacted by Source energy and shown the reality of the energetic life that Earth-incarnated souls are experiencing for the purpose of providing information to assist them in moving toward enlightenment. Ofttimes, these contacts are patterned by the geographic places that the soul inhabits so that the examples of physical occurrences make sense to them. They are also provided at the level of understanding that the channel has reached to that time. Belief systems common to the recipients are also figured in to the message. Since each person creates their own reality, if it resonates with you, accept it as fact. If it feels impossible or abrasive, ignore it.
Elaine from Brazil asks the Masters: How do you know if you are in contact with your inner self and your higher Self?
Answer: Your inner self is a part of your higher self, which is the part of your soul that contains all the information you learned in other lifetimes and is in contact with everyone and -thing in the domain of Source. When you go into a quiet place in your mind and receive information that you would have no other way of knowing, and it is positive and unequivocal, it is coming from your soul.
Marcus from Brazil asks the Masters: I come here for help today. I’m kind of struggling with my life and where it is right now. I’m completely lost. I don’t know what to do. I do not have a love life, my professional life is a ruin and I actually don’t care getting it back together, I almost want it to be over soon, not “almost”, I really want it to be over so I can move on but I don’t know “where” that move on would be. I very much like material things, travel and so but if I’m not successful at any job I won’t have money to do so. I love my mom and my little pet sister to the infinite but I’m not doing anything for them as well. Feeling stuck like never before. My father committed suicide in March and now I’m treating thyroid cancer.
Answer: You have placed yourself into a negative hole where it is fine to hate yourself and your life and believe that there is no way out. You want someone to come up to you, tell you what to do, and solve all your problems. That does not happen in real life. You know what it is to love others, so why can’t you love yourself? Stop seeing the present and the past as a never-ending cycle of life. Become creative. Bring to yourself the things you want to experience. Find a job doing work in some other locale or with a group that does good deeds. Join the military or work on a cruise ship. Be inventive.
Jill from the UK asks the Masters: I have been in circle with rescue work. this ended a long time ago. I have tried several pathways, all seen to end. Can you please give me an idea of what pathway I should be looking for? Any help I would welcome.
Answer: A soul is exactly where they wanted to be when they are there. Many experiences, such as rescue work, come to you so that you may see the abilities you possess and the possibilities for using them. Just as you outgrow the need for training wheels on your bicycle, you need to move on to other more challenging work in order to advance. If you are open to what is around you, you will sense the next step.
Raísa from Brazil asks the Masters: I met a person for whom I developed a strong bond and since then I have nurtured feelings of love. It does me good, even if it does not look reciprocal. I wonder if it's a real feeling or is it ego traps? I like to think we'll be together when the time comes, but I do not know if that thought is healthy.
Answer: The only good that fooling yourself about love does is to let you see what it would feel like if you could really love yourself. You project love onto others because you desire it so much. You can’t make another feel the same way about you that you do about them. Everyone has freedom of choice. Start being true to yourself. Develop a love for everything you have accomplished in this life, and it will turn into self-love. You can only truly love another to the extent you love yourself.
Maria from Norway asks the Masters: I really struggle on my spiritual path these days. Can you tell me something that convince me that there is a life after death?
Answer: It is impossible to convince you about something you have no experience with in a physical way. Once you leave your physical body, you return to your essential state, which is amorphous energy. With what you know as a human, this seems impossible. One way you can show it to yourself is in a deep meditation, asking to see what you are when not a human. Also under meditation or hypnosis, desire to see what happens between lives as a human.
Nivea from Brazil asks the Masters: I have been trying to find a partner for years with zero success. I feel something blocks me. Maybe, being eternally single is a karma or life lesson, but I don’t want it anymore. I lost my will to live. Why have I prayed so much and it seems like it can’t be changed?
Answer: One of your problems is thinking that prayer is the answer. Praying to someone or something outside you is saying that you, yourself, have nothing to do with what is happening in your life. You create your own reality by the choices you make – no one outside you can interfere with your freedom of choice and pick something for you. You are also sabotaging your destiny by thinking that your desires will never occur – that is telling the universe “I really don’t think this will happen,” so it says, “Okay, we will block it.”
Emanuela from Brazil asks the Masters: Why do I have to reincarnate again? What's going to be missing in this life?
Answer: No soul ever has to reincarnate unless they make the decision themselves to do so. When in human form, almost everyone will say they are not going to come back. But then they get Home, see what someone down here is doing, and want to come try it for themselves. What you might miss in this life is the little things you wanted to do but are too busy with major lessons to even notice. Always live in the moment and observe everything around you so you don’t miss it.
Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from provided links.
Tanks to Celestial Voices, Inc <contact@mastersofthespiritworld.com>
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