Title : 12 WEIRD FOODS – NO ONE KNOWS HOW THEY ARE GROWN ~ Heather Callaghan
link : 12 WEIRD FOODS – NO ONE KNOWS HOW THEY ARE GROWN ~ Heather Callaghan
By Heather Callaghan, Natural Blaze
DECEMBER 23, 2017
Do you pick pineapple from a tree? Shell cashews and eat them right from the branch? Harvest quinoa like wheat? Peel the bark of vanilla?
You might be surprised if you’ve never thought of these things before!
See how many you get right!
Here are 12 photos showing how far removed from our food we are – this is how we grow it!
1) Artichokes
This favored pizza topping and steamed gourmet is plucked from the ground.
In my opinion, we all maintain a constant and strong spiritual connection – it’s simply that our readiness and willingness to realize it exists and tap into it determines the strength of its expression in this reality.Perhaps the consciousness of all of humanity is Creating change as we individually awaken to the reality of spirit. Beyond this, it’s been said that a lot of us have chosen to act as transmuters of the bulk of the collective dense and negative energy being produced.
We can understand this if we keep in mind that we’re not necessarily intended to take rightly-earned karma away from others, but to lend a helping hand on a planet of massively-fed lower energy whose collective is ready to evolve.
I don’t think that we take the necessary lessons away from the people who’ve manifested the energy we transmute, but I do think that we’re making a significant and continual dent in the quantity and potency of the lower oriented energy being passed around.
Whether someone has come to the Earth to help awaken the collective or not, I think that once they awaken they begin shining a powerful Light that everybody benefits from.
I get the increasing feeling lately that cabalist elements are as much worried about the positive effects being made by the spiritually awakening public as they are their continual exposure on the part of people who could be seen as less spiritually aware.
This is because we’re making an incredibly positive and long-lasting mark on this planet, and with millions of conscious people making this mark, it should only take so much “time” before our presence here is reflected.
As more people open up to their inner realms and discover their infinite spiritual connections and perceptions, I can imagine that their consciousness naturally grows and they’re able to act as much purer transmuters of lower energy and conduits for purer energy.
I think that we’re able to bring a potent good vibration through as we awaken and take on the task of subconsciously transmuting the bulk of this planet’s pent-up lower energy, and various elements of our society seem bent on keeping humanity focused on a low vibration in every form it comes about.
Perhaps this is because lower-dimensionality serves as an easy and long-lasting distraction from the blissful reality of our existence. Perhaps certain elements out there don’t want humanity to awaken to spiritual reality because of the strong effects for the better our awakenings have on the rest of the world.
I can envision forces who understand spiritual reality from a darker perspective working actively to make sure our society is fed lower-dimensionality via the mainstream media that so many people are focused on, in an effort to enforce and feed a barrier between us and our greater spiritual perception.
Darkness is just as spiritual as Light because everything is spirit, and on our planet, darkness is overhyped because of the strong effects it has on our spirit and our perception of the Light. Our perception of the Light is momentarily muddied when we allow darkness to distort our greater understanding, and our society is unknowingly fed a purposely dark and distorted view of reality because of this.
Before I thank our reader for this week’s question, I’ll mention that the effects we make in the physical are just as important as the spiritual effects our consciousness is heralding.
Our energetic presence here might not be enough to solely enact the greatest changes we’ve wanted to see for so long, and I think that we’ll benefit immensely from using our positive energy to Create direct and widespread change right here, right now.
The energetic effects of our presence here combined with our active and inspired work to help Create and sow change in every country and for every person could see us build our utopian society and heal the many things that hold us back from a positive and sustainable future.
Many thanks to our reader for this week’s question. The higher vibrations are descending onto our third-dimensional reality, I think that the incarnation of so many of us to help bring the Earth into the Light is a simple and natural result of that.
Our energetic presence here is probably more than felt and noted by those who are in a position to feel and note it, and I’m confident in our ability to use the greater perspective we’ve come here with to the fullest of its potential.
This concludes this week’s reader’s question.
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2.) Hold the Capers, please!
You either love capers on your pasta or gourmet deli – or you hate them! Yet here they are literally blossoming off a branch.
3) Almonds
These fuzzy green buds are actually almonds! They are largely dependent on bees (shipped into California) for pollination. Thus, we’ve had issues with shortages and price hikes because of the bee decline.
In fact, the intellect is our lower mind, completely dependent upon our 5 senses for its perceptions of truth. The One Truth can never be perceived through the intellect; therefore, humanity has been content perceiving only 2% of the world around us. But, this is changing. A new birth is occurring!
As we progress on our spiritual path, we naturally become more sensitive to the world around us. Our pineal gland slowly activates and we begin to see the invisible world. This vision into the unseen will most likely happen spontaneously and sporadically. Some are born with psychic abilities already well developed, such as the children that are able to see and talk with “the dead”—as our society phrases it.
Because Earth humans have been deliberately limited to 2% perception and only 10% use of the brain’s actual power to access information, we do not know how to deal with those who possess skills beyond the status quo. We—as a Collective—have not known that we have access to all knowledge through our Higher Intuitive Mind. We have assumed contact with the invisible world indicates mental illness. Thus, when the sign language interpreter explained his meaningless gestures in terms of being shocked to see angels enter the stadium, the immediate questions arose: “Is he a fake? … Is he schizophrenic?”
As a Rehabilitation Counselor, I worked with psychiatric patients for a couple of years in the early 1970s. Because I had already studied metaphysics, I quickly came to the conclusion that I did not believe in mental illness. Instead, I intuited that the patients were more open to the unseen world than was the average individual. Society does not know how to deal with a person who can hear voices in their head or talk to the dead or see into the “invisible” world. In its ignorance, society labels these persons mentally ill and gives him/her a diagnosis—a name, like schizophrenic, which the patient accepts as part of who he/she is because society has offered no alternate explanation. Recognizing the individual’s opening awareness is a relatively new counseling method and still is not widely known.
I have heard many metaphysical students say: “I don’t’ talk about what I believe because people will think I am crazy … I will lose my job … I don’t want to be committed to a mental hospital. Some are frightened when they begin to feel, see, or hear segments of the unseen world.
At this point in time, society as a whole is in transition. The veil hiding the invisible world is growing thinner every day. As this happens, many may be shocked or frightened as they open to it.
It will be important to remember that seeing angels is natural. We live in a very populated world … may even unknowingly share the same space with other beings. Once we adjust to being what is termed a multi-dimensional being, we find it very comforting to know that we truly are never alone … that we truly do live and move and have our being within the energy of God’s love as it is expressed through individuals who belong within the One Family of Mother/Father God and reside on dimensions other than our own.
As we begin to hear voices speaking in our head … music from unseen realms … hear a tree speak to us … see the angelic kingdom that so tenderly cares for each flower and blade of grass, we are NOT losing it! We are expanding in our conscious awareness of the paradise into which we came forth from the heart of Mother/Father God.
It is also important to share with others what we see and experience. In this way, we allow those who are afraid to reveal their own experiences to know that they are actually making great strides on the pathway to ascension. We need to be present for those opening to a new and sometimes frightening world—frightening because it is new and she/he may have no explanation for what is happening.
I intuit the sign language interpreter’s experience of seeing angels in such a public place—while standing on the same stage as President Obama and multiple other world leaders in the month of December—was one more sign to the world that things are changing! It proclaimed: “You, Earth humans, will begin to see more of the invisible world around you! Do not be afraid!”
“Now there were [thousands of people honoring the late Nelson Mandela in a large stadium]. And behold, the angel of God came to them, and the glory of the Lord shone on them; and they were seized with a great fear [anger=fear]. And the angel said to them, Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you glad tidings of great joy, which will be to all the world. For this day is born to you in the city of David, ‘divine love individualized in human consciousness. Love in Being (God) is the idea of perfect unity in all existence.’ And suddenly there appeared with the angel a heavenly host, praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and good hope for men.’” (Luke 2:8-11, 13-14 + the metaphysical meaning of the biblical name “David” as found in Unity’s Metaphysical Bible Dictionary) “And it came to pass when the angels departed from them and went to heaven, that the [crowd] spoke to one another, saying, Let us go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened as the Lord has shown to us.” The metaphysical meaning of Bethlehem indicates “the nerve center at the pit of the stomach, through which universal substance joins the refined or spiritualized chemical products of the body substance. Through this center are gradually generated the elements that go to make up the electrical body of the Christ man.” (Luke 2:15 + Unity’s Metaphysical Bible Dictionary)
Thus, the symbolism manifested from the unseen world during Mandela’s Memorial Service announced: “Humanity is attaining a new level of consciousness. Your spiritual journey is giving birth to the Christ Consciousness within you!”
For those who have trouble integrating spiritual experiences into their daily lives, information on what is called “Spiritual Emergence” may be found: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLRod4bU2Co
Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis, by Stanislav Grof, (Editor) Christina Grof: http://ift.tt/2Bsqa5W
There are also You Tubes of Dr. Grof’s lectures on Spiritual Emergency
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4.) Cinnamon
Um, this isn’t exactly what you want in your hot cider, now is it? But here is literal cinnamon bark before it becomes a pretty, reddish spice stick. Pretty amazing that this humble bark is anti-inflammatory and fights obesity!
5.) Dates
Dates are a symbol of abundance, indeed. This sweet replacement for sugar loves to grow high up in massive clusters.
6.) Cashews
Not to be gross, but cashews look like something excreted by a pepper plant. Interestingly, you’d never want to pick a cashew off a tree and eat it raw – it would be too toxic! The actual nut is the thick-shelled seed and the outer shell (coat) of the seed contains the poison oak allergen urushiol. There is also a toxic resin inside the coat, but these are processed out before they reach the market.
7.) Cocoa beans
This will trip your trypophobia for sure! It does mine. Can you believe this addictive cacao powder starts as white, clumpy pods in shell?
8.) Pistachios
They grow on a tree and turn beautiful colors before harvest.
9.) Quinoa
Pronounced “KEEN-waw,” this cereal seed might as well be considered a grain. But here it is in a clustered plant.
10.) Saffron
Wow! Saffron is exquisite as a brightly and rich, rust-colored spice. But look at its equally vibrant flower! Did you know that saffron is extremely powerful at healing eye problems and was used in a study to treat depression?
11.) Sesame Seeds
Open sesame pod. And when you do you’ll be assailed with many, many little sesame seeds!
12.) Vanilla!
This “Medusa” looking plant actually is depicting the pods of one of the most coveted wild foods in existence. Vanilla is used for food, sweets and fragrances the world over.
13.) BONUS – the Pineapple
The pineapple was the recurring “Easter egg” in the series Psych – but did they ever show the fruit growing in its natural state? Nope, it’s not from a tree at all! It almost looks like someone nestled it into an aloe plant. Are you surprised to see how close to the ground it grows?
Are you surprised to learn about these growing practices – would you like to see more?
Sound off below and don’t forget to share!
H/T: RealFarmacy
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Thus Article 12 WEIRD FOODS – NO ONE KNOWS HOW THEY ARE GROWN ~ Heather Callaghan
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